you need:
- 2-3 pounds ground pork or pork and beef blend
- 1 white or yellow onion, but not sweet onions
- 1 red onion
- 4 fresh tomatillos
- 4 fresh jalapeño peppers
- 4 roma tomatoes
- 1-2 cans of corn
- 1 can black beans
- 1 can dark kidney beans
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1 bottle of modelo negra (or guiness. just make sure to use a dark beer)
- OR an equivalent amount of beef bone broth
a bit of:
- butter
- soy sauce or worcestershire sauce
- chili powder
- cumin
- coriander
- cilantro
and optionally:
- rice
- green onions
- shredded cheese
- sour cream
also make sure you have:
- a bigass slow cooker
- a bigass frying pan, preferably something you can safely scrape
- a spatula, knife, etc.
small precaution: tomatillos are a little weird. if you're not familiar with them, they look like green tomatoes with a papery husk. they're also a bit sticky. that sticky residue is a natural insect deterrant, but it's also mildly toxic and tastes pretty gross. you'll want to rinse them thoroughly after removing the husk.
go ahead and dump all the canned shit in the slow cooker. don't forget to drain off the liquid first. set it to low heat.
chop the onions, toss em in the frying pan with a pap of butter and fry it up on medium heat til it all turns translucent and starts to brown. dump it in the slow cooker.
toss the ground meat in the same frying pan. add crushed or diced garlic. sprinkle on chili powder, cumin, and a little soy or worcestershire sauce, and mix it all in. fry it on medium heat til it's mostly cooked.
pour beer in the frying pan til it covers about half the meat. keep cooking on medium low, stirring occasionally. if it starts to boil, turn the heat down a tick. dump it in the slow cooker when it's done.
if you're using cast iron or stainless steel, it's fine if there's a bit of residue left in the bottom. you can gently scrape that and toss it in the slow cooker too.
chop the the rest of the veggies (tomatillos, peppers, tomatoes) and toss them in with everything else. add chili powder, cumin, coriander, and cilantro. pour in the rest of the beer and stir the pot. if it looks a bit dry, add water or broth until it almost covers the ingredients.
set the slow cooker to high and let it cook for 2-3 hours. taste the chili!! use your judgement. if it tastes a little bland, season it more. stir it again, then switch to low heat and let it cook for another 2-3 hours.
serve it over rice, add a pap of sour cream and a sprinkling of cheese & green onions on top, or don't. i recommend it all, but it's good as is too.