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code to get the channel id the youtube video page
the output in case of susscess will open on a new
browser tab the youtube channel feed as JSON
initially based on
but I got some edge cases where that doesn't work, so I reworked it
generate a bookmarklet at
(async () => {
const readVideoOwnerUrl = () => document.querySelector('')?.href;
const readChannelIdFromDocument = (document) => {
return document
const extractChannelIdFromYtChannelUrl = async (ytChannelUrl) => {
return fetch(ytChannelUrl)
.then(function(response) {
// When the page is loaded convert it to text
return response.text();
.then(function(html) {
// Initialize the DOM parser
const parser = new DOMParser();
// Parse the text
const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
// You can now even select part of that html as you would in the regular DOM
// Example:
// var docArticle = doc.querySelector('article').innerHTML;
return readChannelIdFromDocument(doc);
.catch(function(err) {
console.log('Failed to fetch page: ', err);
return '';
const resolveChannelId = async () => {
const channelId =
window?.ytInitialPlayerResponse?.videoDetails?.channelId ??
return channelId ?? await extractChannelIdFromYtChannelUrl(readVideoOwnerUrl());
const channelId = await resolveChannelId();
if ( channelId ) {
const ytChannelFeedURL = `${channelId}`;
const feed2jsonURL = `${encodeURIComponent(ytChannelFeedURL)}`;
console.log({ channelId, ytChannelFeedURL, feed2jsonURL })
Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), {
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
href: feed2jsonURL,
} else {
console.warn(`Could not find a channel ID feed at ${location.href}`);
javascript:(function(){(async()=>{const e=e=>e.querySelector("link[rel='canonical'][href^='']")?.getAttribute("href")?.substring(32),n=await(async()=>window?.ytInitialPlayerResponse?.videoDetails?.channelId??e(document)??await(async n=>fetch(n).then((function(e){return e.text()})).then((function(n){const t=(new DOMParser).parseFromString(n,"text/html");return e(t)})).catch((function(e){return console.log("Failed to fetch page: ",e),""})))(document.querySelector("")?.href))();if(n){const e=`${n}`,t=`${encodeURIComponent(e)}`;console.log({channelId:n,ytChannelFeedURL:e,feed2jsonURL:t}),Object.assign(document.createElement("a"),{target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer",href:t}).click()}else console.warn(`Could not find a channel ID feed at ${location.href}`)})();}());
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