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Created August 5, 2018 14:09
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// There are existing structs for Request -> Response dataflow as well as
// a struct for the Product;
// In this case we are mapping the Input type to a Request type see yaml and grapqql files
// Here's the struct we map to:
type CreateProductRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
GTIN string `json:"gtin"`
Description string `json:"description"`
// You can see that there is no mapping possible for 'clientMutationId'
// In fact, this type is returned back to the caller, so it should be preserved
// during query execution — in a resolver function mapping from CreareProductRequest
// to a generated 'CreateProductPayload'
resolver: true
model: <proprietary_repo>/endpoints.CreateProductRequest
type Product implements Node {
"""The ID of an object"""
id: ID!
type Query {
getProductsByName(name: String!, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): ProductConnection
"""Fetches an object given its Globally Unique ID"""
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
): Node
type Mutation {
createProduct(input: CreateProductInput): CreateProductPayload
input CreateProductInput {
clientMutationId: String!
name: String!
gtin: String!
description: String!
type CreateProductPayload {
clientMutationId: String!
edge: ProductEdge
"""An object with a Globally Unique ID"""
interface Node {
"""The ID of the object."""
id: ID!
type ProductConnection {
"""Information to aid in pagination."""
edges: [ProductEdge]
"""Information to aid in pagination."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
type ProductEdge {
"""cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: Product
"""Information about pagination in a connection."""
type PageInfo {
"""When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue."""
endCursor: String
"""When paginating forwards, are there more items?"""
hasNextPage: Boolean!
"""When paginating backwards, are there more items?"""
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
"""When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue."""
startCursor: String
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