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Accessing macOS localhost from Parallels Desktop IE or Edge

Access macOS localhost from IE or Edge within Parallels Desktop

This issue is so infuriating that I'm going to take some time to write about it.

  1. MOST IMPORTANT. Your local development server must be bound to IP address Some do this by default, but many don't. You need to make sure that you run your local server with correct IP bindings. You may need to provide additional flags to your serve commands e.g. polymer serve --hostname domain.local, hugo serve --bind If you use a named domain like domain.local, it has to be defined in /etc/hosts and pointing at

  2. My Parallels setting is using Shared Network, nothing special there.

  3. Open macOS Terminal and type ifconfig. Look for the value under vnic0 > inet. It is typically

  4. You can use this IP address from IE or Edge in Parallels Desktop. Don't forget the port number and protocol, e.g.

  5. It's annoying to remember this IP all the time, so you can edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (search for Notepad app and right-click to Run as Administrator, then search for this file from within Notepad so that you can actually edit it) and give that IP address a name, e.g. localhost.mac

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This finally made it work. Spent nearly two hours on this. And then realized I had to connect with https like the above comment.

Thank you sir.

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alex-arriaga commented May 3, 2020

If using Laravel + artisan

php artisan serve --host=

# See other options with
php artisan serve --help

And then just visit in your VM's Internet Explorer.

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Vetalb8 commented May 8, 2020

thanks very much

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I get a blank page with React on

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Does this doesn't work on react?

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Seems like the interface is now called bridge100, but the key was binding the dev server to Thx!

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