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Last active December 11, 2024 03:28
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Text selection commands for
* Credits
* @Bkucera:
* @Phrogz:
* Usage
* ```
* // Types "foo" and then selects "fo"
* cy.get('input')
* .type('foo')
* .setSelection('fo')
* // Types "foo", "bar", "baz", and "qux" on separate lines, then selects "foo", "bar", and "baz"
* cy.get('textarea')
* .type('foo{enter}bar{enter}baz{enter}qux{enter}')
* .setSelection('foo', 'baz')
* // Types "foo" and then sets the cursor before the last letter
* cy.get('input')
* .type('foo')
* .setCursorAfter('fo')
* // Types "foo" and then sets the cursor at the beginning of the word
* cy.get('input')
* .type('foo')
* .setCursorBefore('foo')
* // `setSelection` can alternatively target starting and ending nodes using query strings,
* // plus specific offsets. The queries are processed via `Element.querySelector`.
* cy.get('body')
* .setSelection({
* anchorQuery: 'ul > li > p', // required
* anchorOffset: 2 // default: 0
* focusQuery: 'ul > li > p:last-child', // default: anchorQuery
* focusOffset: 0 // default: 0
* })
// Low level command reused by `setSelection` and low level command `setCursor`
Cypress.Commands.add('selection', { prevSubject: true }, (subject, fn) => {
return cy.wrap(subject);
Cypress.Commands.add('setSelection', { prevSubject: true }, (subject, query, endQuery) => {
return cy.wrap(subject)
.selection($el => {
if (typeof query === 'string') {
const anchorNode = getTextNode($el[0], query);
const focusNode = endQuery ? getTextNode($el[0], endQuery) : anchorNode;
const anchorOffset = anchorNode.wholeText.indexOf(query);
const focusOffset = endQuery ?
focusNode.wholeText.indexOf(endQuery) + endQuery.length :
anchorOffset + query.length;
setBaseAndExtent(anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset);
} else if (typeof query === 'object') {
const el = $el[0];
const anchorNode = getTextNode(el.querySelector(query.anchorQuery));
const anchorOffset = query.anchorOffset || 0;
const focusNode = query.focusQuery ? getTextNode(el.querySelector(query.focusQuery)) : anchorNode;
const focusOffset = query.focusOffset || 0;
setBaseAndExtent(anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset);
// Low level command reused by `setCursorBefore` and `setCursorAfter`, equal to `setCursorAfter`
Cypress.Commands.add('setCursor', { prevSubject: true }, (subject, query, atStart) => {
return cy.wrap(subject)
.selection($el => {
const node = getTextNode($el[0], query);
const offset = node.wholeText.indexOf(query) + (atStart ? 0 : query.length);
const document = node.ownerDocument;
document.getSelection().collapse(node, offset);
// Depending on what you're testing, you may need to chain a `.click()` here to ensure
// further commands are picked up by whatever you're testing (this was required for Slate, for example).
Cypress.Commands.add('setCursorBefore', { prevSubject: true }, (subject, query) => {
cy.wrap(subject).setCursor(query, true);
Cypress.Commands.add('setCursorAfter', { prevSubject: true }, (subject, query) => {
// Helper functions
function getTextNode(el, match){
const walk = document.createTreeWalker(el, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
if (!match) {
return walk.nextNode();
const nodes = [];
let node;
while(node = walk.nextNode()) {
if (node.wholeText.includes(match)) {
return node;
function setBaseAndExtent(...args) {
const document = args[0].ownerDocument;
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scottastrophic commented May 20, 2019

This is awesome, thanks for sharing! I think you've got a vestigial nodes on line 101.

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Any reason you can think of that these commands don't work properly in headless?

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samtsai commented Mar 10, 2020

FYI, I couldn't get this working with input or textarea's and it looks like its due to lack of support: (it also wasn't working in Chrome 80 for me), so I created a fork of the gist with a different path for those elements:

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erquhart commented Aug 6, 2020

This is old, here's our latest implementation as of this writing (you'll have to read a bit to pick out the relevant code):

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guys don't waste your time by trying to use the code. it throws the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'wholeText' of undefined

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kolpav commented Jan 28, 2021

@alexey-sh These functions are meant to be used with contenteditable not plain inputs thats why you are getting wholeText undefined error.

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@kolpav thanks for the note, maybe you are right. but in the gist I can see

 * // Types "foo" and then sets the cursor at the beginning of the word
 * cy.get('input')
 *   .type('foo')
 *   .setCursorBefore('foo')

I guess 'input' selector means plain input.

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does this (or the newer solution here in the comments) work on plain text in the DOM? (and not only on input)
for example if I have:
<p> this is the text I have <p>
can I select "is the"?

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Jakejamesreid commented Sep 11, 2021

When I chain setSelection, setCursorBefore or setCursorAfter with .type() there is a 50/50 chance that .type() will occur first. Is there a way to fix this?

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Thanks ! It works well for what I needed

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guys don't waste your time by trying to use the code. it throws the following error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'wholeText' of undefined

@alexey-sh Were you able to solve this issue? I am facing the same. If you solved it, can you please tell me what changes did you make?

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@rahulworks-git I don't remember exact way to solve it but I think it was fixed somehow. May by I decided to skip this kind of tests.

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Thank you, friend. I've been trying to highlight the damn text in the cypress tree for two days.

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Astonished that this is still useful!

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