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Created July 3, 2020 15:53
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  • Save errge/bb2305b56de8411a98e9a22102c61f5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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vncviewer*grabKeyboard: true
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.hinting: 1
Xft.autohint: false
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
Xft.dpi: 100
urxvt.font: xft:JozsikaNilcons-11.5
!urxvt.font: xft:Go Mono-20
urxvt.letterSpace: -1 ! Gives a little bit more columns
urxvt.print-pipe: cat >/dev/null ! wtf from the seventies
urxvt.scrollBar: false
urxvt.cursorColor: red
urxvt.cursorBlink: off
urxvt.termName: xterm-256color
urxvt.intensityStyles: true
! default colors have hard to read combinations: e.g. black text on blue
!urxvt.color0: Black
!urxvt.color1: red
!urxvt.color2: forest green
!urxvt.color3: gold4
!urxvt.color4: dark slate blue
!urxvt.color5: medium orchid
!urxvt.color6: dark cyan
!urxvt.color7: dark gray
!urxvt.color8: grey30
!urxvt.color9: IndianRed1
!urxvt.color10: yellow green
!urxvt.color11: gold2
!urxvt.color12: light slate blue
!urxvt.color13: orchid
!urxvt.color14: cyan2
!urxvt.color15: white
urxvt.perl-lib: /opt/ceh/home/docs/config/common/urxvt-perls
urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,keyboard-select,clipboard
! keyboard-seelct shortcuts:
! # Use Meta-Escape to activate selection mode, then use the following keys:
! # h/j/k/l: Move cursor left/down/up/right (also with arrow keys)
! # g/G/0/^/$/H/M/L/f/F/;/,/w/W/b/B/e/E: More vi-like cursor movement keys
! # '/'/?: Start forward/backward search
! # n/N: Repeat last search, N: in reverse direction
! # Ctrl-f/b: Scroll down/up one screen
! # Ctrl-d/u: Scroll down/up half a screen
! # v/V/Ctrl-v: Toggle normal/linewise/blockwise selection
! # y/Return: Copy selection to primary buffer, Return: deactivate afterwards
! # q/Escape: Deactivate keyboard selection mode
urxvt.keysym.M-Escape: perl:keyboard-select:activate
urxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-V: perl:clipboard:paste
! unicode entry mode, but to easy to get into it accidentally...
urxvt.iso14755: False
urxvt.iso14755_52: False
xpdf.continuousView: true
Emacs.bitmapIcon: off
Emacs.menuBar: off
Emacs.verticalScrollBars: off
Emacs.toolBar: off
Emacs.cursorBlink: off
Emacs.cursorColor: red
Emacs.font: JozsikaNilcons-11.5
Emacs.fixed-pitch.attributeFamily: JozsikaNilcons-11.5
Emacs.fixed-pitch-serif.attributeFamily: JozsikaNilcons-11.5
!Emacs.font: Go Mono-30
!Emacs.fixed-pitch.attributeFamily: Go Mono-30
!Emacs.fixed-pitch-serif.attributeFamily: Go Mono-30
Emacs.Info-quoted.attributeWeight: bold
Emacs.sml/filename.attributeForeground: Blue
Emacs.sml/filename.attributeWeight: bold
Emacs.mode-line-buffer-id.attributeForeground: Blue
Emacs.mode-line-buffer-id.attributeWeight: bold
Emacs.sml/read-only.attributeForeground: DarkGreen
Emacs.sml/read-only.attributeWeight: bold
Emacs.sml/prefix.attributeForeground: #5b2507
Emacs.sml/prefix.attributeWeight: bold
!Emacs.font: Ubuntu Mono 16
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