I hereby claim:
- I am esad on github.
- I am esad (https://keybase.io/esad) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAfen-9PxDRLHSaNvxQ9Xz73TqSHasb41ifGZG90eNejAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
:- module(csv_writer, [csv_write/3, csv_write_row/1, csv_flush/0]). | |
:- use_module(util, [rational_string/3, get_keypath_dict/3, rtrim/3]). | |
:- meta_predicate csv_write(+, +, 0). | |
csv_write(Path, Fields, Goal) :- | |
open(Path, write, Out), | |
maplist(term_to_atom, Fields, AtomFields), | |
Row =.. [row | AtomFields], |
:- module(delstreams). | |
ask(_, 0, _) :- throw(asked_closed_stream). | |
ask(El, Stream, Stream2) :- reset(Stream, El, Stream2), (Stream2 \= 0). | |
take(0, _) :- !. | |
take(N, S) :- N > 0, ask(El, S, S1), shift(El), succ(N1, N), take(N1, S1). | |
drop(0, S) :- !, call(S). | |
drop(N, S) :- N > 0, ask(_, S, S1), succ(N1, N), drop(N1, S1). |
:- op(1200, xfx, <-->). | |
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics), [digit//1]). | |
conj_rev(Term, Term) :- \+ Term = (_, _). | |
conj_rev((Term1,Term2), (Term2, T)) :- conj_rev(Term1, T). | |
term_expansion(<-->(X, Y), T) :- conj_rev(Y, YRev), dcg_translate_rule(X --> YRev, T). | |
term_expansion(<-->(X, Y), T) :- dcg_translate_rule(X --> Y, T). |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
type Foo<'a> = Foo of string | |
let get (Foo key : Foo<'a>) : 'a option = | |
None | |
let set (Foo key : Foo<'a>) (value : 'a) = | |
() | |
let f = Foo "test" |
type ItemRef = Int | |
newtype Item = Item | |
{ text :: String | |
, done :: Boolean | |
, ref :: ItemRef | |
} | |
derive instance newtypeItem :: Newtype Item _ |
module X where | |
import Data.Newtype | |
import Data.Lens (Lens') | |
import Data.Lens.Iso.Newtype (_Newtype) | |
newtype X = X Int | |
ten = X 10 |
modify' f = do | |
modify f | |
state <- get | |
localStorage <- fromEff getLocalStorage | |
fromEff $ setItem localStorage stateKey state |
foreign import md5 :: String -> String | |
infixl 1 applyFlipped as |> | |
findPassword :: String -> String | |
findPassword doorId = | |
aux 0 Nil | |
where | |
aux :: Int -> List Char -> String | |
aux k cs = | |
case (doorId <> (show k)) |> md5 |> String.toCharArray |> List.fromFoldable of |
module PouchDB where | |
import Task | |
import Json.Decode exposing (..) | |
import Native.PouchDB | |
type PouchDB = PouchDB | |
type alias Document a = |