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Created June 23, 2021 23:42
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Nextcloud app logcat
06-23 16:45:13.445 1278 3357 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10245/15697 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=30465, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10245] ]
06-23 17:31:54.057 1278 1388 D Foreground_io: TOP_APP is ProcessRecord{a9a3e11 15697:com.nextcloud.client/u0a245} uid is 10245
06-23 17:34:10.028 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: (status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16 ROWID: -1
06-23 17:34:10.065 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 1 rows from page 0, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:34:10.065 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: ((status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16) AND _id < ? ROWID: 3
06-23 17:34:10.095 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 0 rows from page 1, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:34:10.095 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() returning 1 (1) rows after reading 2 pages
06-23 17:34:10.096 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: (status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16 ROWID: -1
06-23 17:34:10.208 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 1 rows from page 0, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:34:10.208 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: ((status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16) AND _id < ? ROWID: 3
06-23 17:34:10.283 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 0 rows from page 1, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:34:10.283 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() returning 1 (1) rows after reading 2 pages
06-23 17:34:10.617 15697 4640 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: (status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16 ROWID: -1
06-23 17:34:10.735 15697 4640 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 1 rows from page 0, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:34:10.735 15697 4640 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: ((status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16) AND _id < ? ROWID: 3
06-23 17:34:10.817 15697 4640 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 0 rows from page 1, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:34:10.817 15697 4640 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() returning 1 (1) rows after reading 2 pages
06-23 17:34:11.201 15697 15697 D FileUploader: Creating service
06-23 17:34:11.213 15697 15697 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented'
06-23 17:34:11.240 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating state of any killed upload
06-23 17:34:11.271 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: No upload was killed
06-23 17:34:11.283 15697 15697 D FileUploader: Starting command with id 1
06-23 17:34:11.297 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status=UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS
06-23 17:34:11.350 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: updateUpload returns with: 1 for file: /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:34:11.350 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: notifyObserversNow
06-23 17:34:11.402 15697 4728 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status:UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS and result:UNKNOWN (old:/storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup status:UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS result:-1)
06-23 17:34:11.402 15697 4728 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status=UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS
06-23 17:34:11.478 15697 4728 D UploadsStorageManager: updateUpload returns with: 1 for file: /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:34:11.479 15697 4728 D UploadsStorageManager: notifyObserversNow
06-23 17:34:11.507 15697 4728 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: null ROWID: -1
06-23 17:34:11.517 15697 4728 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 3 rows from page 0, 3 rows total so far, last ID 1
06-23 17:34:11.517 15697 4728 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: _id < ? ROWID: 1
06-23 17:34:11.541 15697 4728 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 0 rows from page 1, 3 rows total so far, last ID 1
06-23 17:34:11.541 15697 4728 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() returning 3 (3) rows after reading 2 pages
06-23 17:34:11.541 15697 4728 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status=UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS
06-23 17:34:11.610 15697 4728 D UploadsStorageManager: updateUpload returns with: 1 for file: /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:34:11.610 15697 4728 D UploadsStorageManager: notifyObserversNow
06-23 17:34:11.650 15697 4728 D UploadFileOperation: normal upload
06-23 17:34:11.949 15697 4728 D UploadFileOperation: Checking name collision in server
06-23 17:34:11.949 15697 4728 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST HEAD /remote.php/webdav/message-backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:34:11.950 15697 4728 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: Creating SSL Socket with remote nextcloud.mydomain.tld:443, local null:0, params: org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionParams@840029e
06-23 17:34:11.950 15697 4728 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: ... with connection timeout 50000 and socket timeout 50000
06-23 17:34:11.951 15697 4728 I ServerNameIndicator: SSLSocket implementation: org.conscrypt.Java8EngineSocket
06-23 17:34:11.951 15697 4728 I ServerNameIndicator: SNI done, hostname: nextcloud.mydomain.tld
06-23 17:34:12.209 15697 4728 D ExistenceCheckRemoteOperation: Existence check for https://nextcloud.mydomain.tld/remote.php/webdav/message-backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup targeting for existence finished with HTTP status 200
06-23 17:34:12.209 15697 4728 D UploadFileOperation: Name collision; asking the user what to do
06-23 17:34:12.209 15697 4728 E UploadFileOperation: Upload of /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup to /message-backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup: Synchronization conflict
06-23 17:34:12.213 15697 4728 D UploadsStorageManager: updateDatabaseUploadResult uploadResult: RemoteOperationResult(mSuccess=false, mHttpCode=-1, mHttpPhrase=null, mException=null, mCode=SYNC_CONFLICT, message=null, getLogMessage=Synchronization conflict) upload:
06-23 17:34:12.256 15697 4728 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status:UPLOAD_FAILED and result:SYNC_CONFLICT (old:/storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup status:UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS result:-1)
06-23 17:34:12.256 15697 4728 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status=UPLOAD_FAILED
06-23 17:34:12.316 15697 4728 D UploadsStorageManager: updateUpload returns with: 1 for file: /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:34:12.316 15697 4728 D UploadsStorageManager: notifyObserversNow
06-23 17:34:12.317 15697 4728 D FileUploader: NotifyUploadResult with resultCode: SYNC_CONFLICT
06-23 17:34:12.333 15697 4728 D FileUploader: Stopping command after id 1
06-23 17:34:12.344 15697 15725 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented'
06-23 17:34:12.344 15697 15725 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented'
06-23 17:34:12.347 15697 15697 V FileUploader: Destroying service
06-23 17:34:45.982 15697 3400 E writing failed: write failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)
06-23 17:34:45.982 15697 3400 D InputStreamBinder: Done sending result
06-23 17:35:09.649 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: (status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16 ROWID: -1
06-23 17:35:09.751 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 1 rows from page 0, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:35:09.751 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: ((status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16) AND _id < ? ROWID: 3
06-23 17:35:09.787 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 0 rows from page 1, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:35:09.787 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() returning 1 (1) rows after reading 2 pages
06-23 17:35:09.788 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: (status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16 ROWID: -1
06-23 17:35:09.795 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 1 rows from page 0, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:35:09.795 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: ((status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16) AND _id < ? ROWID: 3
06-23 17:35:09.824 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 0 rows from page 1, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:35:09.824 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() returning 1 (1) rows after reading 2 pages
06-23 17:35:10.191 15697 5961 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: (status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16 ROWID: -1
06-23 17:35:10.204 15697 5961 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 1 rows from page 0, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:35:10.204 15697 5961 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: ((status== ? OR last_result==9 OR last_result==13 OR last_result==11 OR last_result==14 ) AND last_result!= 16) AND _id < ? ROWID: 3
06-23 17:35:10.234 15697 5961 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 0 rows from page 1, 1 rows total so far, last ID 3
06-23 17:35:10.234 15697 5961 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() returning 1 (1) rows after reading 2 pages
06-23 17:35:10.609 15697 15697 D FileUploader: Creating service
06-23 17:35:10.611 15697 15697 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented'
06-23 17:35:10.619 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating state of any killed upload
06-23 17:35:10.622 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: No upload was killed
06-23 17:35:10.624 15697 15697 D FileUploader: Starting command with id 1
06-23 17:35:10.630 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status=UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS
06-23 17:35:10.655 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: updateUpload returns with: 1 for file: /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:35:10.655 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: notifyObserversNow
06-23 17:35:10.662 15697 6010 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status:UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS and result:UNKNOWN (old:/storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup status:UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS result:-1)
06-23 17:35:10.662 15697 6010 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status=UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS
06-23 17:35:10.677 15697 6010 D UploadsStorageManager: updateUpload returns with: 1 for file: /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:35:10.677 15697 6010 D UploadsStorageManager: notifyObserversNow
06-23 17:35:10.686 15697 6010 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: null ROWID: -1
06-23 17:35:10.689 15697 6010 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 3 rows from page 0, 3 rows total so far, last ID 1
06-23 17:35:10.689 15697 6010 D UploadsStorageManager: QUERY: _id < ? ROWID: 1
06-23 17:35:10.691 15697 6010 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() got 0 rows from page 1, 3 rows total so far, last ID 1
06-23 17:35:10.691 15697 6010 V UploadsStorageManager: getUploads() returning 3 (3) rows after reading 2 pages
06-23 17:35:10.691 15697 6010 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status=UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS
06-23 17:35:10.702 15697 6010 D UploadsStorageManager: updateUpload returns with: 1 for file: /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:35:10.702 15697 6010 D UploadsStorageManager: notifyObserversNow
06-23 17:35:10.712 15697 6010 D UploadFileOperation: normal upload
06-23 17:35:11.033 15697 6010 D UploadFileOperation: Checking name collision in server
06-23 17:35:11.034 15697 6010 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST HEAD /remote.php/webdav/message-backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:35:11.038 15697 6010 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: Creating SSL Socket with remote nextcloud.mydomain.tld:443, local null:0, params: org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionParams@840029e
06-23 17:35:11.038 15697 6010 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: ... with connection timeout 50000 and socket timeout 50000
06-23 17:35:11.039 15697 6010 I ServerNameIndicator: SSLSocket implementation: org.conscrypt.Java8EngineSocket
06-23 17:35:11.039 15697 6010 I ServerNameIndicator: SNI done, hostname: nextcloud.mydomain.tld
06-23 17:35:11.344 15697 6010 D ExistenceCheckRemoteOperation: Existence check for https://nextcloud.mydomain.tld/remote.php/webdav/message-backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup targeting for existence finished with HTTP status 200
06-23 17:35:11.344 15697 6010 D UploadFileOperation: Name collision; asking the user what to do
06-23 17:35:11.344 15697 6010 E UploadFileOperation: Upload of /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup to /message-backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup: Synchronization conflict
06-23 17:35:11.344 15697 6010 D UploadsStorageManager: updateDatabaseUploadResult uploadResult: RemoteOperationResult(mSuccess=false, mHttpCode=-1, mHttpPhrase=null, mException=null, mCode=SYNC_CONFLICT, message=null, getLogMessage=Synchronization conflict) upload:
06-23 17:35:11.361 15697 6010 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status:UPLOAD_FAILED and result:SYNC_CONFLICT (old:/storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup status:UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS result:-1)
06-23 17:35:11.361 15697 6010 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup with status=UPLOAD_FAILED
06-23 17:35:11.374 15697 6010 D UploadsStorageManager: updateUpload returns with: 1 for file: /storage/emulated/0/Signal/Backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:35:11.374 15697 6010 D UploadsStorageManager: notifyObserversNow
06-23 17:35:11.375 15697 6010 D FileUploader: NotifyUploadResult with resultCode: SYNC_CONFLICT
06-23 17:35:11.379 15697 6010 D FileUploader: Stopping command after id 1
06-23 17:35:11.383 15697 15725 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented'
06-23 17:35:11.383 15697 15725 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented'
06-23 17:35:11.397 15697 15697 V FileUploader: Destroying service
06-23 17:35:20.182 15697 15728 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST GET /index.php/apps/notes/api/v1/notes
06-23 17:35:20.183 15697 15728 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: Creating SSL Socket with remote nextcloud.mydomain.tld:443, local null:0, params: org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionParams@840029e
06-23 17:35:20.183 15697 15728 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: ... with connection timeout 50000 and socket timeout 50000
06-23 17:35:20.186 15697 15728 I ServerNameIndicator: SSLSocket implementation: org.conscrypt.Java8EngineSocket
06-23 17:35:20.186 15697 15728 I ServerNameIndicator: SNI done, hostname: nextcloud.mydomain.tld
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: Error during Nextcloud request
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: java.lang.IllegalStateException: CE_5
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: at
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: at
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: at
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: 304
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: ... 6 more
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No response body
06-23 17:35:20.538 15697 15728 E InputStreamBinder: ... 6 more
06-23 17:35:21.885 15697 6184 E writing failed: write failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)
06-23 17:35:21.885 15697 6184 D InputStreamBinder: Done sending result
06-23 17:35:51.140 15697 15697 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@3b18634
06-23 17:35:51.150 1278 1388 D Foreground_io: TOP_APP is ProcessRecord{a9a3e11 15697:com.nextcloud.client/u0a245} uid is 10245
06-23 17:35:51.172 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onCreate(Bundle) starting
06-23 17:35:51.200 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: Retrieve job for id 3
06-23 17:35:51.207 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onStart() starting
06-23 17:35:51.213 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onResume() starting
06-23 17:35:51.213 15697 15697 W DrawerActivity: setDrawerMenuItemChecked has been called with invalid menu-item-ID
06-23 17:35:51.216 15697 6315 D ExternalLinks: links disabled
06-23 17:35:51.217 15697 15697 V ViewRootImpl: The specified message queue synchronization barrier token has not been posted or has already been removed
06-23 17:35:51.221 15697 6316 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST PROPFIND /remote.php/webdav/message-backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:35:51.222 15697 6316 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: Creating SSL Socket with remote nextcloud.mydomain.tld:443, local null:0, params: org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionParams@840029e
06-23 17:35:51.222 15697 6316 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: ... with connection timeout 5000 and socket timeout 40000
06-23 17:35:51.224 15697 6316 I ServerNameIndicator: SNI done, hostname: nextcloud.mydomain.tld
06-23 17:35:51.226 15697 15728 D DecorView: onWindowFocusChangedFromViewRoot hasFocus: true, DecorView@a016201[ConflictsResolveActivity]
06-23 17:35:51.232 15697 15697 D OperationsService: Creating service
06-23 17:35:51.244 15697 15697 D FileActivity: Operations service connected
06-23 17:35:51.574 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onPause() ending
06-23 17:35:51.595 15697 15697 V ViewRootImpl: The specified message queue synchronization barrier token has not been posted or has already been removed
06-23 17:35:51.611 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onStop() ending
06-23 17:35:51.617 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onDestroy() ending
06-23 17:35:51.620 15697 15697 V OperationsService: Destroying service
06-23 17:35:56.016 15697 15697 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@41a5c3a
06-23 17:35:56.029 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onCreate(Bundle) starting
06-23 17:35:56.030 1278 1388 D Foreground_io: TOP_APP is ProcessRecord{a9a3e11 15697:com.nextcloud.client/u0a245} uid is 10245
06-23 17:35:56.083 15697 15697 D UploadsStorageManager: Retrieve job for id 3
06-23 17:35:56.090 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onStart() starting
06-23 17:35:56.096 15697 6345 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST PROPFIND /remote.php/webdav/message-backups/signal-2021-06-23-14-20-55.backup
06-23 17:35:56.100 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onResume() starting
06-23 17:35:56.101 15697 15697 W DrawerActivity: setDrawerMenuItemChecked has been called with invalid menu-item-ID
06-23 17:35:56.107 15697 6344 D ExternalLinks: links disabled
06-23 17:35:56.108 15697 15697 V ViewRootImpl: The specified message queue synchronization barrier token has not been posted or has already been removed
06-23 17:35:56.116 15697 15728 D DecorView: onWindowFocusChangedFromViewRoot hasFocus: true, DecorView@816688e[ConflictsResolveActivity]
06-23 17:35:56.125 15697 15697 D OperationsService: Creating service
06-23 17:35:56.139 15697 15697 D FileActivity: Operations service connected
06-23 17:35:56.243 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onPause() ending
06-23 17:35:56.259 15697 15697 V ViewRootImpl: The specified message queue synchronization barrier token has not been posted or has already been removed
06-23 17:35:56.275 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onStop() ending
06-23 17:35:56.280 15697 15697 D ConflictsResolveActivity: onDestroy() ending
06-23 17:35:56.285 15697 15697 V OperationsService: Destroying service
06-23 17:36:01.375 15697 15711 W System : A resource failed to call close.
06-23 17:36:01.377 15697 15711 W System : A resource failed to call close.
06-23 17:36:01.793 15697 15697 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@a854cc0
06-23 17:36:01.799 1278 1388 D Foreground_io: TOP_APP is ProcessRecord{a9a3e11 15697:com.nextcloud.client/u0a245} uid is 10245
06-23 17:36:01.812 15697 15697 V FileDisplayActivity: onCreate() start
06-23 17:36:01.816 15697 15697 D FileDisplayActivity: onCreate(Bundle) starting
06-23 17:36:01.851 15697 15697 V FlingOptimizerScroller: FlingOptimizerOverScroller Init
06-23 17:36:01.927 15697 15697 D FileDisplayActivity: onStart() starting
06-23 17:36:01.936 15697 6383 D ExternalLinks: links disabled
06-23 17:36:01.952 15697 15697 D FileDisplayActivity: Initializing Fragments in onAccountChanged..
06-23 17:36:01.952 15697 15697 E FileDisplayActivity: Access to unexisting list of files fragment!!
06-23 17:36:01.952 15697 15697 E FileDisplayActivity: Still have a chance to lose the initialization of list fragment >(
06-23 17:36:01.966 15697 15725 D Avatar : URI: https://nextcloud.mydomain.tld/index.php/avatar/eric/336
06-23 17:36:01.967 15697 15725 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST GET /index.php/avatar/eric/336
06-23 17:36:01.968 15697 15725 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: Creating SSL Socket with remote nextcloud.mydomain.tld:443, local null:0, params: org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionParams@840029e
06-23 17:36:01.968 15697 15725 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: ... with connection timeout 50000 and socket timeout 50000
06-23 17:36:01.969 15697 15725 I ServerNameIndicator: SSLSocket implementation: org.conscrypt.Java8EngineSocket
06-23 17:36:01.969 15697 15725 I ServerNameIndicator: SNI done, hostname: nextcloud.mydomain.tld
06-23 17:36:01.973 15697 15697 E FileDisplayActivity: Access to unexisting list of files fragment!!
06-23 17:36:01.974 15697 15697 V FileDisplayActivity: onResume() start
06-23 17:36:01.975 15697 15697 D FileDisplayActivity: onResume() starting
06-23 17:36:01.977 15697 15697 I OCFileListFragment: onAttach
06-23 17:36:01.977 15697 15697 I OCFileListFragment: onCreateView() start
06-23 17:36:01.977 15697 15697 D ExtendedListFragment: onCreateView
06-23 17:36:01.994 15697 15697 I OCFileListFragment: onCreateView() end
06-23 17:36:01.995 15697 15697 I OCFileListFragment: onActivityCreated() start
06-23 17:36:02.132 15697 15697 V FileDisplayActivity: onResume() end
06-23 17:36:02.134 15697 15697 V ViewRootImpl: The specified message queue synchronization barrier token has not been posted or has already been removed
06-23 17:36:02.157 15697 16677 D DecorView: onWindowFocusChangedFromViewRoot hasFocus: true, DecorView@405706a[FileDisplayActivity]
06-23 17:36:02.301 15697 15697 D OperationsService: Creating service
06-23 17:36:02.305 15697 15697 D FileDownloader: Creating service
06-23 17:36:02.306 15697 15697 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented'
06-23 17:36:02.311 15697 15697 D FileUploader: Creating service
06-23 17:36:02.312 15697 15697 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented'
06-23 17:36:02.314 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating state of any killed upload
06-23 17:36:02.315 15697 15697 V UploadsStorageManager: No upload was killed
06-23 17:36:02.334 15697 15697 V OCFileListFragment: Kept the options menu default structure
06-23 17:36:02.343 15697 15697 D OnePlusJankManager: Chor uploadMDM JANK_TYPE_ONCE mViewTitle = com.nextcloud.client/ jank level = 1
06-23 17:36:02.347 15697 15697 D FileActivity: Operations service connected
06-23 17:36:02.347 15697 15697 D FileDisplayActivity: Download service connected
06-23 17:36:02.390 15697 15697 D FileDisplayActivity: Upload service connected
06-23 17:36:02.513 15697 6393 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST GET /status.php
06-23 17:36:02.514 15697 6393 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: Creating SSL Socket with remote nextcloud.mydomain.tld:443, local null:0, params: org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionParams@c21acac
06-23 17:36:02.514 15697 6393 D AdvancedSslSocketFactory: ... with connection timeout 50000 and socket timeout 50000
06-23 17:36:02.514 15697 6393 I ServerNameIndicator: SSLSocket implementation: org.conscrypt.Java8EngineSocket
06-23 17:36:02.514 15697 6393 I ServerNameIndicator: SNI done, hostname: nextcloud.mydomain.tld
06-23 17:36:02.524 15697 15725 V ArbitraryDataProvider: Updating arbitrary data with cloud id: [email protected] key: avatar value: 0c77be46e4ed559d636ed6a6f39d97de
06-23 17:36:02.545 15697 15725 V ArbitraryDataProvider: Updating arbitrary data with cloud id: [email protected] key: avatarTimestamp value: 1624491362542
06-23 17:36:02.636 15697 6399 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST GET /status.php
06-23 17:36:02.791 15697 6393 D UpdateOCVersionOperation: Got new OC version
06-23 17:36:02.791 15697 6393 I UpdateOCVersionOperation: Check for update of Nextcloud server version at https://nextcloud.mydomain.tld/remote.php/webdav: Operation finished with HTTP status code -1 (success)
06-23 17:36:02.797 15697 6393 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST GET /ocs/v2.php/cloud/capabilities
06-23 17:36:02.803 15697 6399 D UpdateOCVersionOperation: Got new OC version
06-23 17:36:02.803 15697 6399 I UpdateOCVersionOperation: Check for update of Nextcloud server version at https://nextcloud.mydomain.tld/remote.php/webdav: Operation finished with HTTP status code -1 (success)
06-23 17:36:02.808 15697 6399 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST GET /ocs/v2.php/cloud/capabilities
06-23 17:36:03.064 15697 6393 D GetCapabilitiesRemoteOperation: Capabilities not modified
06-23 17:36:03.064 15697 6393 D GetCapabilitiesRemoteOperation: *** Get Capabilities completed
06-23 17:36:03.070 15697 6399 D GetCapabilitiesRemoteOperation: Capabilities not modified
06-23 17:36:03.070 15697 6399 D GetCapabilitiesRemoteOperation: *** Get Capabilities completed
06-23 17:36:03.454 15697 6393 V ArbitraryDataProvider: Updating arbitrary data with cloud id: [email protected] key: PREDEFINED_STATUS value: [{"clearAt":{"time":"3600","type":"period"},"icon":"πŸ“…","id":"meeting","message":"In a meeting"},{"clearAt":{"time":"1800","type":"period"},"icon":"🚌","id":"commuting","message":"Commuting"},{"clearAt":{"time":"day","type":"end-of"},"icon":"🏑","id":"remote-work","message":"Working remotely"},{"clearAt":{"time":"day","type":"end-of"},"icon":"πŸ€’","id":"sick-leave","message":"Out sick"},{"icon":"🌴","id":"vacationing","message":"Vacationing"}]
06-23 17:36:03.454 15697 6399 V ArbitraryDataProvider: Updating arbitrary data with cloud id: [email protected] key: PREDEFINED_STATUS value: [{"clearAt":{"time":"3600","type":"period"},"icon":"πŸ“…","id":"meeting","message":"In a meeting"},{"clearAt":{"time":"1800","type":"period"},"icon":"🚌","id":"commuting","message":"Commuting"},{"clearAt":{"time":"day","type":"end-of"},"icon":"🏑","id":"remote-work","message":"Working remotely"},{"clearAt":{"time":"day","type":"end-of"},"icon":"πŸ€’","id":"sick-leave","message":"Out sick"},{"icon":"🌴","id":"vacationing","message":"Vacationing"}]
06-23 17:36:03.894 15697 6399 I RefreshFolderOperation: Got display name:
06-23 17:36:03.894 15697 6399 D RefreshFolderOperation: Checking changes in [email protected]/
06-23 17:36:03.896 15697 6399 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST PROPFIND /remote.php/webdav/
06-23 17:36:03.916 15697 6393 I RefreshFolderOperation: Got display name:
06-23 17:36:03.917 15697 6393 D RefreshFolderOperation: Checking changes in [email protected]/
06-23 17:36:03.920 15697 6393 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST PROPFIND /remote.php/webdav/
06-23 17:36:04.369 15697 6399 I RefreshFolderOperation: Checked [email protected]/ : changed
06-23 17:36:04.369 15697 6393 I RefreshFolderOperation: Checked [email protected]/ : changed
06-23 17:36:04.373 15697 6399 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST PROPFIND /remote.php/webdav/
06-23 17:36:04.373 15697 6393 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST PROPFIND /remote.php/webdav/
06-23 17:36:05.305 15697 6393 I ReadFolderRemoteOperation: Synchronized /: Operation finished with HTTP status code 207 (success)
06-23 17:36:05.306 15697 6393 D RefreshFolderOperation: Synchronizing [email protected]/
06-23 17:36:05.313 15697 6393 D RefreshFolderOperation: Remote folder / changed - starting update of local data
06-23 17:36:05.313 15697 6399 I ReadFolderRemoteOperation: Synchronized /: Operation finished with HTTP status code 207 (success)
06-23 17:36:05.313 15697 6399 D RefreshFolderOperation: Synchronizing [email protected]/
06-23 17:36:05.321 15697 6399 D RefreshFolderOperation: Remote folder / changed - starting update of local data
06-23 17:36:05.336 15697 6393 D FileDataStorageManager: Saving folder / with 65 children and 0 files to remove
06-23 17:36:05.340 15697 6399 D FileDataStorageManager: Saving folder / with 65 children and 0 files to remove
06-23 17:36:05.511 15697 6393 D FileDataStorageManager: Sending 66 operations to FileContentProvider
06-23 17:36:05.511 15697 6393 D FileContentProvider: applying batch in provider (temporary: false)
06-23 17:36:05.557 15697 6393 D FileContentProvider: applied batch in provider
06-23 17:36:05.564 15697 6399 D FileDataStorageManager: Sending 66 operations to FileContentProvider
06-23 17:36:05.564 15697 6399 D FileContentProvider: applying batch in provider (temporary: false)
06-23 17:36:05.601 15697 6399 D FileContentProvider: applied batch in provider
06-23 17:36:05.609 15697 6393 D RefreshFolderOperation: Send broadcast
06-23 17:36:05.610 15697 15697 D FileDisplayActivity: Received broadcast
06-23 17:36:05.610 15697 6393 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST GET /ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares
06-23 17:36:05.626 15697 6399 D RefreshFolderOperation: Send broadcast
06-23 17:36:05.626 15697 6399 D OwnCloudClient #0: REQUEST GET /ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares
06-23 17:36:05.670 15697 15697 D FileDisplayActivity: Setting progress visibility to true
06-23 17:36:05.670 15697 15697 D FileDisplayActivity: Received broadcast
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