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Created January 13, 2017 15:47
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Duel results with Olaf and Darius passives implemented
% dart bin/round_robin.dart
Dueling all 8911 pairs of 134 champions
using no items, runes or masteries or abilities.
Note: A few have passives implemented, as indicated.
Name Victories Status
Kled 0
Orianna 1
Karthus 2
Anivia 3
Annie 3
Janna 4
FiddleSticks 5
Lulu 6
Lissandra 6
Veigar 6
Lux 7
Zilean 7
Thresh 8
Sona 8
Caitlyn 10
Zyra 12
Nami 12
Heimerdinger 12
MissFortune 13
Azir 17
Elise 17
Soraka 18
Ezreal 18
Graves 19
Swain 20
Vladimir 21
Gnar 22
Karma 23
Nidalee 23
TwistedFate 24
Velkoz 25
Syndra 26
Taliyah 26
Bard 26
Jhin 27
Xerath 29
Leblanc 29
Malzahar 29
Corki 31
Brand 31
Viktor 32
Vayne 33
Teemo 33
Kindred 34
Ahri 38
Sivir 41
Evelynn 43
Cassiopeia 46
Ziggs 46
AurelionSol 47
Jayce 48
Kayle 49
Jinx 49
Kennen 50
Ivern 50
Ryze 52
KogMaw 54
Ashe 54
Mordekaiser 54
Varus 55
Gangplank 56
Quinn 56
Yasuo 57
Twitch 57
Morgana 57
Poppy 61
Riven 62
RekSai 62
Taric 63
Lucian 65
Diana 66
Tristana 67
Ekko 69
Shen 70
Fiora 70
Amumu 71
Kalista 72
Rammus 73
Urgot 77
Draven 77
Nasus 77
Aatrox 77
Zed 78
Braum 80
Pantheon 80
Vi 82
Fizz 83
Kassadin 84
Nautilus 84
Sion 84
TahmKench 87
Khazix 88
Singed 89
JarvanIV 90
Yorick 90
XinZhao 92
Renekton 93
Leona 95
Talon 96
Rengar 96
Illaoi 96
Skarner 97
Nunu 97
Blitzcrank 98
Chogath 99
DrMundo 99
LeeSin 101
Zac 101
MonkeyKing 102
Camille 103
Hecarim 104
Galio 104
Garen 105
Udyr 108
Malphite 108
Volibear 108
Alistar 110
Shaco 111
Rumble 112
Katarina 113
Nocturne 114
Gragas 115
MasterYi 117
Jax 118
Akali 119
Sejuani 122
Shyvana 122
Irelia 123
Tryndamere 127
Warwick 127
Trundle 128
Maokai 130
Darius 132 (has passive)
Olaf 133 (has passive)
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