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Last active February 20, 2019 10:04
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POC of Tideways profiling extension for Sugar on PHP 7.1
// Enrico Simonetti
// Original work:
// 2017-07-31 on Sugar with PHP 7.1
// filename: custom/include/SugarXHprof/TidewaysProf.php
* Class TidewaysProf
* To enable profiling install PHP tideways module and add these lines to the config_override.php:
* $sugar_config['xhprof_config']['enable'] = true;
* $sugar_config['xhprof_config']['manager'] = 'TidewaysProf';
* $sugar_config['xhprof_config']['log_to'] = 'cache/profile_files';
* $sugar_config['xhprof_config']['sample_rate'] = 1;
* $sugar_config['xhprof_config']['flags'] = 0;
use Sugarcrm\Sugarcrm\Performance\Dbal\XhprofLogger;
class TidewaysProf extends SugarXHprof
* Populates configuration from $sugar_config to self properties
protected static function loadConfig()
if (!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['xhprof_config'])) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['xhprof_config'] as $k => $v) {
if (isset($v) && property_exists(static::$manager, $k)) {
static::${$k} = $v;
if (!static::$enable) {
// disabling profiler if Tideways extension is not loaded
if (extension_loaded('tideways') == false) {
static::$enable = false;
if (static::$save_to == 'file') {
// using default directory for profiler if it is not set
if (empty(static::$log_to)) {
static::$log_to = sys_get_temp_dir();
error_log("Warning: Must specify directory location for Tideways runs. " .
"Trying " . static::$log_to . " as default. You should set "
. "\$sugar_config['xhprof_config']['log_to'] on sugar config override");
// disabling profiler if directory is not exist or is not writable
if (is_dir(static::$log_to) == false || is_writable(static::$log_to) == false) {
static::$enable = false;
// enable SugarXhprofLogger class for Doctrine
if (static::$enable && empty($GLOBALS['installing'])) {
$logger = DBManagerFactory::getDbalLogger();
$decorator = new XhprofLogger(static::$instance, $logger);
* Tries to enabled xhprof if all settings were passed
public function start()
if (static::$enable == false) {
if (static::$sample_rate == 0) {
static::$enable = false;
$rate = 1 / static::$sample_rate * 100;
if (rand(0, 100) > $rate) {
static::$enable = false;
$this->startTime = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] : microtime(true);
tideways_enable(static::$flags, array(
'ignored_functions' => static::$ignored_functions
* Tries to collect data from XHprof after call of 'start' method
public function end()
if (!static::$enable) {
static::$enable = false;
$origMemLimit = ini_get('memory_limit');
ini_set('memory_limit', static::$memory_limit);
$xhprofData = tideways_disable();
$wallTime = $xhprofData['main()']['wt'];
if ($wallTime > static::$filter_wt * 1000) {
$sqlQueries = count($this->sqlTracker['sql']);
$elasticQueries = count($this->elasticTracker['queries']);
$action = static::cleanActionString(static::detectAction());
$runName = implode('d', array(
str_replace('.', 'd', $this->startTime),
)) . '.' . $action;
$this->saveRun($runName, $xhprofData);
ini_set('memory_limit', $origMemLimit);
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