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Created January 25, 2018 14:43
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Codensity
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
import Data.Foldable
import Data.StateVar (($=))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as Vsm
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Vu
import Data.Word
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (newForeignPtr_)
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Linear
import Linear.Affine
import Reflex.Class
import Reflex.Dynamic
import Reflex.Host.Class
import Reflex.Spider
import qualified SDL as Sdl
import System.Clock
import System.Environment
import qualified System.Random.MWC as Mwc
data Scene rx =
Scene {
sceneImage :: Behavior rx (V2 Double -> V3 Double),
sceneQuit :: Event rx ()
linear :: (Fractional a, Integral d, Traversable f, RealFrac s, Vu.Unbox a, Vu.Unbox (f d)) => (f d -> a) -> (f s -> a)
linear pic = \p -> Vu.head (foldl' go (ps0 p) (fmap originCube p))
originCube x = x - fromIntegral (floor x)
ps0 = pic . Vu.convert . rasterPoints
go ps x = Vu.zipWith (\l r -> realToFrac (1 - x) * l + realToFrac x * r) ps1 ps2
(ps1, ps2) = Vu.splitAt (Vu.length ps `div` 2) ps
rasterPoints =
traverse $ \x ->
let x0 = floor x
x1 = ceiling x
in V.fromListN 2 [x0, x1]
myScene :: (MonadFix m, MonadHold rx m, Reflex rx) => Event rx Double -> Event rx Sdl.EventPayload -> m (Scene rx)
myScene tickEv sdlEv = do
time <- foldDyn (+) 0 tickEv
mousePos <- hold 0 mousePosEv
pure (Scene {
sceneImage =
pure (\(V2 mx my) t p ->
let int = pure 0.25 + V3 (0.05 + 0.05 * sin (pi*t)) 0 0 in
light int (V3 mx my 1) (normalMap p) (heightMap p) (colourMap p) 0)
<*> mousePos
<*> current time,
sceneQuit = fmapMaybe quitFilt sdlEv
!shadowDistContrib = recip (fromIntegral (Vu.length shadowDist))
!shadowDist =
Vu.fromList . map (0.01 *^) . filter ((<= 1) . norm) $
sequenceA (pure [1, 1/3, -1/3, 1])
light int l' n p col c = col * (amb + (multishadow *^ (diff + spec)) ^/ distance p l')
l = normalize (l' - p)
amb = pure 0.02
diff = max 0 (dot n l) *^ int
spec = (max 0 (dot n (normalize (l + (c - p)))) ** 100) *^ int
multishadow =
Vu.foldl' (+) 0 . (shadow . (l' +)) $
shadow sl = topShadow
V3 lx ly lz = sl
V3 px py pz = p
topShadow =
let h = height
pzlz = pz - lz
m = V2 ((lx*pz - lz*px + h*px - h*lx) / pzlz)
((ly*pz - lz*py + h*py - h*ly) / pzlz)
s = (lz - h) / pzlz
ml = norm m
in if ml < radius && s > (-1) then 0 else shadowDistContrib
height = 0.5
radius = 0.2
heightMap :: V2 Double -> V3 Double
heightMap p@(V2 x y)
| otherwise = V3 x y (max 0 . min height $ height - height*5*(pl - radius))
pl = norm p
normalMap :: V2 Double -> V3 Double
normalMap p@(V2 x y)
| pl < radius || pl > radius + 0.2 = V3 0 0 1
| otherwise = normalize $ cross (V3 0 0 height + 0.2 *^ normalize (V3 (-x) (-y) 0)) (V3 y (-x) 0)
pl = norm p
colourMap :: V2 Double -> V3 Double
colourMap =
runST $ do
rng <- Mwc.create
let gen = sequenceA (pure (Mwc.uniformR (0.5, 1) rng))
arr <- Vu.replicateM 64 gen
let scale p = 3.5 * (p + 1)
clamp = fmap (max 0 . min 7)
iget (V2 x y) = arr Vu.! (8*y + x)
pure (linear (iget . clamp) . scale)
mousePosEv = fmapMaybe filt sdlEv
filt (Sdl.MouseMotionEvent motion) =
let P (V2 x y) = fromIntegral <$> Sdl.mouseMotionEventPos motion
in Just (V2 (-1 + x / 399.5) (1 - y / 399.5))
filt _ = Nothing
quitFilt Sdl.QuitEvent = Just ()
quitFilt (Sdl.KeyboardEvent (Sdl.KeyboardEventData _ _ _ (Sdl.Keysym _ Sdl.KeycodeQ _))) = Just ()
quitFilt _ = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main =
lowerCodensity $ do
args <- map read <$> liftIO getArgs
let txtSize@(V2 tw th) =
case args of
tw' : th' : _ -> V2 tw' th'
_ -> V2 30 30
cbracket_ (Sdl.initialize [Sdl.InitVideo]) Sdl.quit
win <- cbracket (Sdl.createWindow "Test" winCfg) Sdl.destroyWindow
rend <- cbracket (Sdl.createRenderer win (-1) Sdl.defaultRenderer) Sdl.destroyRenderer
txt <- cbracket (Sdl.createTexture rend Sdl.RGBA8888 Sdl.TextureAccessStreaming (fromIntegral <$> txtSize)) Sdl.destroyTexture
liftIO . runSpiderHost $ do
Sdl.HintRenderScaleQuality $= Sdl.ScaleLinear
(tickEv, tickRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
(sdlEv, sdlRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
scene <- runHostFrame (myScene tickEv sdlEv)
quitH <- subscribeEvent (sceneQuit scene)
let draw = do
img <- sample (sceneImage scene)
liftIO $ do
bracket (Sdl.lockTexture txt Nothing) (\_ -> Sdl.unlockTexture txt) $ \(ptr', _) -> do
ptr <- newForeignPtr_ (castPtr ptr')
let arr = Vsm.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 ptr (tw*th) :: Vsm.IOVector Word32
i1 = tw*th
go :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
go i x y
| i >= i1 = pure ()
| x >= tw = go i 0 (y + 1)
| otherwise = do
let xf = -1 + 2*fromIntegral x / fromIntegral (tw - 1)
yf = 1 - 2*fromIntegral y / fromIntegral (th - 1)
V3 r g b =
(\c -> round (255*c)) . min 1 . max 0
<$> img (V2 xf yf)
Vsm.write arr i (shiftL r 24 .|. shiftL g 16 .|. shiftL b 8 .|. 255)
go (i + 1) (x + 1) y
go 0 (0 :: Int) (0 :: Int)
Sdl.clear rend
Sdl.copy rend txt Nothing Nothing
Sdl.present rend
t0 <- liftIO (getTime Monotonic)
($ t0) . fix $ \again t' -> do
mev <- liftIO Sdl.pollEvent
case mev of
Nothing -> do
t <- liftIO (getTime Monotonic)
let !dt = fromInteger (toNanoSecs (t - t')) / 1000000000
fireEventRefAndRead tickRef dt quitH >>=
maybe (draw >> again t) (\_ -> pure ())
Just ev ->
fireEventRefAndRead sdlRef (Sdl.eventPayload ev) quitH >>=
maybe (again t') (\_ -> pure ())
winCfg = Sdl.defaultWindow {
Sdl.windowInitialSize = V2 800 800
cbracket :: IO a -> (a -> IO r) -> Codensity IO a
cbracket create destroy = Codensity (bracket create destroy)
cbracket_ :: IO a -> IO b -> Codensity IO a
cbracket_ start stop = Codensity (bracket start (const stop))
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