cd /etc/udev/hwdb.d/ && sudo curl -L -o 81-sarien-arcada-drallion-keyboard.hwdb ''
and then run
sudo systemd-hwdb update && sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger /sys/class/input/event2 && sudo udevadm info /sys/class/input/event2
and your F1-F9 keys should now send the correct keycode/action matching their labels. Tested on Fedora and Ubuntu so far, hoping to test on Alpine/postmarketOS with eudev at some point. I may change the d4 to Left_Meta/Super key for easier muscle memory (and also remap the existing Search/Left_Meta/Super key into a Caps key to use caps2esc or similar to make it Esc + Ctrl at the user level.