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Created December 12, 2017 19:05
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waterfall bio rade
#################### INPUT FILES #############
files = tkFileDialog.askopenfilenames()
lst = list(files)
dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
for FileName in lst:
df = pd.read_excel(str(FileName))
#add this to remove white spaces in the Vehicle columns
df.Vehicle = df.Vehicle.apply(lambda x : x.replace(" ", ""))
dataframe = dataframe.append(df, ignore_index=True)
print dataframe
Parameter= eval(raw_input ("Enter the SKU: "))
#dataframe1 = dataframe[('Vehicle')] == "003-MM09XBP"
dataframe1 = dataframe[dataframe.Vehicle == Parameter]
print type(dataframe1)
print dataframe1
#groups = dataframe.groupby(Parameter)
################# DESTINATION FILE #################
writer = ExcelWriter ('waterfall_SKUnumber.xlsx')
dataframe1.to_excel(writer ,index=False,sheet_name= str(Parameter))
#Accessing workbook and worksheet
workbook =
worksheet = writer.sheets[str(Parameter)]
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