My Calendars and Contacts broke after a macOS Server upgrade. This is what I had to do to fix everything.
Also see the PostgreSQL query and dump cpmmands below. The command calendarserver_export
didn't work for me because the Calendar and Contacts database was broken after an upgrade of macOS Server.
mkdir -p ~/Downloads/Calendar\ and\ Contacts\ Backup/username
sudo /Applications/ --debug -u username --calendars -d ~/Downloads/Calendar\ and\ Contacts\ Backup/username
sudo /Applications/ --debug -u username --contacts -d ~/Downloads/Calendar\ and\ Contacts\ Backup/username
This is a complete hack to access the database tables and calendar .ics
items directly. Fortunately, it worked for me.
->Calendar> Turn off, if this even works. Repeat for Contacts.
- sudo serveradmin status calendar
- sudo serveradmin status addressbook
The idea here is to figure out the PostgreSQL calendar_object.calendar_resource_id
for the desired user, then save all the corresponding .ics
files. Some combination of the commands pg_dump
, psql
, and Python's psycopg2
library are helpful.
# PostgreSQL server
sudo rm /Library/Server/Calendar\ and\ Contacts/Data/Database.xpg/
sudo -u _calendar /Applications/ -D /Library/Server/Calendar\ and\ Contacts/Data/Database.xpg/
# pg_dump
sudo -u _calendar /Applications/ -h localhost -U caldav caldav -f ./caldav.sql
# psql inspection
\d+ calendar_home
select * from calendar_home;
\d+ calendar_object
select * from calendar_object;
# psycopg2
sudo -u _calendar ipython3
import psycopg2 as pg
conn = pg.connect("host='localhost' user='caldav' dbname='caldav'")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute('select * from calendar_object where calendar_resource_id = 1769;')
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
with open(row[2],'w') as fd:
cur.execute('select * from calendar_object;')
rows = cur.fetchall()
crids = set([r[1] for r in rows])
On each client and user account: make a copy of the raw Calendars and Contacts folders:
mkdir -p ~/Downloads/Library/Calendars
mkdir -p ~/Downloads/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook
rsync -a ~/Library/Calendars/ ~/Downloads/Library/Calendars/
rsync -a ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook ~/Downloads/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/
# locate specific calendars with known events
find ~/Downloads/Library/Calendars -type f -name '*.ics' -exec fgrep -li keyword_to_search_for {} ''
Use the
apps to export data. Export the data, not (necessarily) the "Archive" export option, which specifies specific server account UUIDs.
- Calendar> Select server calendar, then: Calendar>File>Export>Export… and save the file in ~/Downloads
- Contacts> Select all server contacts, then: Contacts>File>Export>Export vCard… and save the file in ~/Downloads
-> Turn off Calendar and Contacts, or
sudo serveradmin stop calendar
sudo serveradmin stop addressbook
- Quit
sudo mv /Library/Server/Calendar\ and\ Contacts ~/Downloads/Calendar\ and\ Contacts\ -\ orig
- Reboot server
sudo mkdir -m 700 /Library/Server/Calendar\ and\ Contacts && sudo chown _calendar:_calendar /Library/Server/Calendar\ and\ Contacts
- Wait a few seconds. will (should) recreate the default configuration and data within
/Library/Server/Calendar\ and\ Contacts
ls -ld /Library/Server/Calendar\ and\ Contacts
ls -l /Library/Server/Calendar\ and\ Contacts
- Reboot server
-> Turn on Calendar and contacts, or
sudo serveradmin start calendar
sudo serveradmin start addressbook
Just to start with a clean slate, use System Preferences>Internet Accounts> Delete calendars and contacts accounts with –
, then delete the contents of the Calendars and Contacts folders:
rm -fr ~/Library/Calendars/* ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/*
Finally, add the accounts back with System Preferences>Internet Accounts>+
, then import backed up data:
- Calendar>File>Import… import the exported file from above
- Contacts>File>Import… import the exported vCard file from above
Use Finder to open any *.ics
files that this process missed and import the item into Calendar.
umask 077
# Ensure /usr/bin/python and /opt/local/bin/gpg are found in the path
TS=`date ''+%F''`
if [ ! -d "$OSX_SERVER_BACKUP" ]; then
mkdir -m 700 -p "$OSX_SERVER_BACKUP"
# Remove archives older than one year
find $OSX_SERVER_BACKUP -mindepth 1 -mtime +365 -exec /bin/rm {} ';'
# Calendars and Contacts backup
rm -fr /tmp/caldav_$TS
mkdir -p -m 700 /tmp/caldav_$TS/calendars
mkdir -p -m 700 /tmp/caldav_$TS/contacts
/Applications/ --all --calendars --directory=/tmp/caldav_$TS/calendars
/Applications/ --all --contacts --directory=/tmp/caldav_$TS/contacts
( cd /tmp ; tar cjpf - ./caldav_$TS | /opt/local/bin/gpg -o - -c --batch --passphrase $ODBACKUP_PASSWD > ./caldav_$TS.tbz.gpg )
cp -p /tmp/caldav_$TS.tbz.gpg $OSX_SERVER_BACKUP
rm -fr /tmp/caldav_$TS /tmp/caldav_$TS.tbz.gpg