Apple MacBook Pro M1, 32 GB, Ventura 13.2
Documentation based on comments in this Github Elasticsearch issue.
Install Homebrew
Apple MacBook Pro M1, 32 GB, Ventura 13.2
Documentation based on comments in this Github Elasticsearch issue.
If you, like me, resent every dollar spent on commercial PDF tools,
you might want to know how to change the text content of a PDF without
having to pay for Adobe Acrobat or another PDF tool. I didn't see an
obvious open-source tool that lets you dig into PDF internals, but I
did discover a few useful facts about how PDFs are structured that
I think may prove useful to others (or myself) in the future. They
are recorded here. They are surely not universally applicable --
the PDF standard is truly Byzantine -- but they worked for my case.
{ infocmp -1 xterm-256color ; echo "\tsitm=\\E[3m,\n\tritm=\\E[23m,"; } > /tmp/xterm-256color.terminfo | |
tic /tmp/xterm-256color.terminfo |
about:config settings to harden the Firefox browser. Privacy and performance enhancements.
To change these settings type 'about:config' in the url bar.
Then search the setting you would like to change and modify the value. Some settings may break certain websites from functioning and
rendering normally. Some settings may also make firefox unstable.
I am not liable for any damages/loss of data.
Not all these changes are necessary and will be dependent upon your usage and hardware. Do some research on settings if you don't understand what they do. These settings are best combined with your standard privacy extensions
(HTTPS Everywhere No longer required: Enable HTTPS-Only Mode, NoScript/Request Policy, uBlock origin, agent spoofing, Privacy Badger etc), and all plugins set to "Ask To Activate".