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Created May 26, 2022 10:51
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* disable_invoice_notification.php
* Version 1.0
* An action hook for WHMCS that allows you to disable sending of invoice reminders for selected payment methods.
* To install:
* - Set the array of payment methods that should not send invoice reminders. Typically debit order / direct debit.
* - The other array is a list of reminders that should not be sent.
* - Then place this script in your whmcs/includes/hooks/ directory.
* - Optionally specifiy a log file location.
* Based on Reed Murphy's work at
* By: Eugene van der Merwe ([email protected]) +27823096710 I create WHMCS magic and I'm available for consulting
function hook_disable_invoice_notification($vars) {
// If $logfile is not blank, messages about emails not sent will be logged to this file.
// $logfile = "/home/whmcs/presendemail.log";
// $logfile = "";
// An array of IDs of payment methods that should not receive invoice notification emails. Replace these with your own.
$gateway_names = Array(
"debitizedo", // Netcash x-Sage
// "directdebit", // Add an array of payment methods that should not send payment reminders
// The names of the email templates that you don't want sent.
$message_names = Array(
"First Invoice Overdue Notice",
"Second Invoice Overdue Notice",
"Third Invoice Overdue Notice",
$merge_fields = array();
if (in_array($vars['messagename'], $message_names)) {
$invoice_id = mysql_real_escape_string($vars['relid']);
$query =
"SELECT `userid`, CONCAT_WS(' ', `firstname`, `lastname`) as 'name', paymentmethod, ".
"FROM `tblinvoices` ".
"JOIN `tblclients` ON `tblinvoices`.`userid` = `tblclients`.`id` ".
"WHERE `tblinvoices`.`id` = '" . $invoice_id ."'";
$r = full_query($query);
if ($r) {
$row = mysql_fetch_row($r);
$client_id = $row[0];
$client_name = $row[1];
$payment_method = $row[2];
$invoice_id = $row[3];
if ( in_array($payment_method, $gateway_names )) {
$merge_fields['abortsend'] = true; // don't send email
if ($logfile) {
$pid = getmypid();
$logline = sprintf(
"%s pre_send_email[%d]: ".
"Not sending email '%s' to client %s (%s) for invoice %s because the payment method is %s\n",
date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
$fh = fopen($logfile, "a");
fwrite($fh, $logline);
return $merge_fields;
add_hook("EmailPreSend", 10, "hook_disable_invoice_notification");
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