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Created October 6, 2017 17:57
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ocamlfind opt -g -rectypes -syntax camlp5o -package ocanren,ocanren.syntax,GT,GT.syntax.all -linkpkg -o poly
rm *.cm[oix] *.o poly
open MiniKanrenCore
open MiniKanrenStd
module Poly =
type bop = ADD | MUL
module T =
@type ('int, 'nat, 'var, 'bop, 't) t =
| Const of 'int
| Var of 'var * 'nat
| Bop of 'bop * 't * 't
with gmap;;
let fmap fa fb fc fd fe x = GT.gmap(t) (fa) (fb) (fc) (fd) (fe) x
type tt = (Nat.ground, Nat.ground, string, bop, tt) T.t
type tl = inner logic
and inner = (Nat.logic, Nat.logic, string logic, bop logic, tl) T.t
type ti = (tt, tl) injected
module FT = Fmap5(T)
let const i = inj @@ FT.distrib @@ T.Const i
let var x n = inj @@ FT.distrib @@ T.Var (x, n)
let bop op l r = inj @@ FT.distrib @@ T.Bop (op, l, r)
let sum = bop !!ADD
let prod = bop !!MUL
let rec inj : tt -> tl = fun t -> to_logic (T.fmap (Nat.inj) (Nat.inj) (to_logic) (to_logic) (inj) t)
(* let _:int = inj *)
let rec reify' h = FT.reify (Nat.reify) (Nat.reify) (reify) (reify) (reify') h
let reify = reify'
let rec diff p dp x = conde [
fresh (i)
(p === const i)
(dp === const;
fresh (n m)
(p === var x n)
(conde [
fresh (i)
(n ===
(dp === const n);
fresh (m)
(Nat.gto n !!true)
(n === Nat.succ m)
(dp === prod (const n) (var x m));
fresh (y n)
(x =/= y)
(p === var y n)
(dp === p);
fresh (l r dl dr)
(p === sum l r )
(dp === sum dl dr)
(diff l dl x)
(diff r dr x);
fresh (l r a b dl dr)
(p === prod l r )
(dp === sum a b )
(a === prod dl r )
(b === prod l dr)
(diff l dl x)
(diff r dr x);
let rec show_helper p = T.(
let show_nat n = n in
let show_var x = ( x in
let show_op op = (fun op -> match op with | ADD -> "+" | MUL -> "*") op in
match p with
| Const i -> show_nat i
| Var (x, n) -> Printf.sprintf "%s^%s" (show_var x) (show_nat n)
| Bop (op, l, r) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s) %s (%s)" (show l) (show_op op) (show r)
and show p = show_helper p
let print p = Printf.printf "%s\n" (show @@ p#reify reify ~inj)
open Poly
let one =
let two = Nat.succ one
let three = Nat.succ two
let x = !!"x"
let () = Printf.printf "Differentiation of x^2 + x + 1\n"
let p = sum (var x two) (sum (var x one) (const one))
let () =
run q
(fun q -> diff p q x)
(fun qs -> Stream.iter print qs)
let () = Printf.printf "Integration of 2*x + 1\n"
let dp = sum (prod (const two) (var x one)) (const one)
let () =
run q
(fun q -> diff q dp x)
(fun qs -> Stream.iter print qs)
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