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Evan Burke evan-burke

  • Oakland, CA
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marcocitus / example.sql
Last active February 24, 2024 13:17
Safe incremental rollups on Postgres and Citus
-- Create the raw events table
CREATE TABLE page_views (
site_id int,
path text,
client_ip inet,
view_time timestamptz default now(),
view_id bigserial
-- Allow fast lookups of ranges of sequence IDs
swalkinshaw /
Last active February 26, 2025 21:15
Designing a GraphQL API
delameko /
Last active October 24, 2024 08:55 — forked from johanndt/
Upgrading PostgreSQL from 9.5 to 9.6 on Ubuntu 16.04


Install Postgres 9.6, and then:

sudo pg_dropcluster 9.6 main --stop
sudo pg_upgradecluster 9.5 main
sudo pg_dropcluster 9.5 main
bsara /
Last active March 6, 2025 18:30
Setup SSH Authentication for Git Bash on Windows

Setup SSH Authentication for Git Bash on Windows


  1. Create a folder at the root of your user home folder (Example: C:/Users/uname/) called .ssh.
  2. Create the following files if they do not already exist (paths begin from the root of your user home folder):
  • .ssh/config
jaredLunde /
Last active May 13, 2018 23:02
OrderedDict cursor for psycopg2
from collections import OrderedDict
from psycopg2.extensions import cursor as _cursor
class OrderedDictCursor(_cursor):
def _to_od(self, tup):
return OrderedDict((k[0], v) for k, v in zip(self.description, tup))
def execute(self, query, vars=None):
return super().execute(query, vars)
hraban /
Last active April 18, 2024 06:46
Prevent accidentally committing debug code in Git
bllchmbrs /
Last active December 29, 2021 14:10
TF IDF Explained in Python Along with Scikit-Learn Implementation
from __future__ import division
import string
import math
tokenize = lambda doc: doc.lower().split(" ")
document_0 = "China has a strong economy that is growing at a rapid pace. However politically it differs greatly from the US Economy."
document_1 = "At last, China seems serious about confronting an endemic problem: domestic violence and corruption."
document_2 = "Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, is working towards healing the economic turmoil in his own country for his view on the future of his people."
document_3 = "Vladimir Putin is working hard to fix the economy in Russia as the Ruble has tumbled."
dankrause /
Last active January 4, 2025 10:21
Example code to use the (unofficial, unsupported, undocumented) DNS API.
import requests
class HoverException(Exception):
class HoverAPI(object):
def __init__(self, username, password):
params = {"username": username, "password": password}
r ="", params=params)
Iristyle / Start-Vagrant.bat
Created March 15, 2013 18:35
Windows startup script to fire up a Vagrant VM safely on boot (using Run registry key for instance)
cd /d %~dp0
for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%F IN ('vagrant status ^| find /I "default"') DO (SET "STATE=%%F%%G")
ECHO Close this window if it remains open, and http://localhost:8081 is responsive
IF "%STATE%" NEQ "saved" (
ECHO Starting Vagrant VM from powered down state...
vagrant up
) ELSE (