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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Some helpful guidance, links, and examples to make this hackathon more fun and productive.

Elm Hackathon 1

Theme: exploring and using elm-html

I want us to make some cool stuff together. First, I think it will be fun, but I think we may begin to learn interesting ways to improve and extend elm-html so that we can all be more productive.

Helpful Resources


No matter what challenge you choose to take, do not be shy about asking questions! A big part of these tasks is getting your brain thinking about problems the right way, and the fastest way to learn that is from other people!

  • Imagine a counter is a widget that has a - and + button. Depending on how many times you click its displayed count will change. Now imagine there is a button that creates totally new counters, so it is possible to add arbitrarily many new counters. Now imagine there is a button on each counter to delete the counter. Work on developing these features one at a time.

  • Take a simple Elm example and redo it with elm-html:

  • If you are feeling advanced, think of a project you have done with some other combination of languages and tools. Start to rewrite it with elm-html.

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