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Last active December 25, 2015 02:59
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How to evaluate a simple lambda calculus with a call-by-value semantics:
data Expr
= Literal Int
| Lambda String Expr
| Apply Expr Expr
| Var String
| Sum Expr Expr
deriving Show
eval :: Expr -> Expr
eval expr =
case expr of
-- beta reduction
Apply (Lambda x e) v | isValue v -> eval (substitute x v e)
-- stepping application forward until we can get to beta reduction
Apply f x | isValue f -> eval (Apply f (eval x))
| otherwise -> eval (Apply (eval f) x)
-- reduce sums
Sum (Literal n) (Literal m) -> Literal (n + m)
-- otherwise we have a value. If not, the initial program was
-- ill-formed in some way which is what a type system guards against.
_ | isValue expr -> expr
| otherwise ->
error $ "Could not fully evaluate (" ++ show expr ++
"). This program got stuck because of a type error or a free variable"
isValue :: Expr -> Bool
isValue expr =
case expr of
Var _ -> True
Literal _ -> True
Lambda _ _ -> True
Apply _ _ -> False
Sum _ _ -> False
substitute :: String -> Expr -> Expr
substitute x v expr =
case expr of
Var y | x == y -> v
| otherwise -> expr
Literal _ -> expr
Lambda y e | x == y -> expr
| otherwise -> Lambda y (substitute x v e)
Apply e1 e2 -> Apply (substitute x v e1) (substitute x v e2)
Sum e1 e2 -> Sum (substitute x v e1) (substitute x v e2)
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