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Created March 17, 2013 00:09
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Save evansolomon/5178920 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Capistrano task to version files via their names so that they are cacheable as possible (vs query strings). Bases versions on the file contents so that versions are changed as infrequently as possible, and automatically. Updates all references to the static files.
namespace :build do
desc "Name static files by version"
task :version, :roles => :app do
find_static_files = "find #{current_release} -name '*.js' -o -name '*.css'"
capture(find_static_files).split("\n").each do |file|
# Get paths
full_path = file.chomp
relative_path = full_path.clone
relative_path["#{current_release}/"] = ''
# Build new file name based on hash
parts = relative_path.split "."
ext = parts.pop
hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(capture "cat #{full_path}")
new_relative_path = "#{parts.join('.')}.#{hash}.#{ext}"
# Rename the file
run "mv #{full_path} #{current_release}/#{new_relative_path}"
# Replace refereces to the file
search = Regexp.escape(relative_path).gsub "/", "\\/"
replace = Regexp.escape(new_relative_path).gsub "/", "\\/"
run "find #{current_release} -type f -exec perl -i -lpe 's/#{search}/#{replace}/g' {} \\;"
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