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Last active December 16, 2015 20:39
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  • Save evansolomon/5494039 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save evansolomon/5494039 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scatter shared script to deploy NPM packages. Specifically written for Impromptu, but generally usable depending on your workflow. Install in: ~/.deploys/__shared/npm Make sure it is executable, and run with scatter -s npm
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Go to the repo
echo "Switching to $1"
cd $1
# Only publish from master
if git branch | ack "\* master" >/dev/null
echo "You're on master, good to go"
echo "Only publish from master"
exit 1
# Check for dirty branch
if [[ $(git status --porcelain) != "" ]]
echo "Dirty branch, exiting"
exit 1
# Fetch any remote commits
git fetch --all
if git status | ack "Your branch is" >/dev/null
echo "Your branch and the remote are out of sync"
exit 1
# Ghetto way to get the version
VERSION=$(ack "\"version\": \"(.+)\"," package.json --output="\$1")
# Make sure the tag doesn't already exist in Git
if git show-ref --tags --quiet --verify -- "refs/tags/$VERSION"
echo "Version $VERSION already exists as git tag. Exiting...."
exit 1
echo "Git version does not exist. Let's proceed..."
# Tag the new version in Git
echo "Tagging new version in git"
git tag "$VERSION"
# Push the tag
echo "Pushing tags to origin"
git push origin master --tags
# Do it
npm publish
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