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Created August 2, 2022 18:40
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# the tiling environment, a grid world where you place tetris pieces
import random
# the dimension of the grid
L = 6
# hardcoding a few pieces, it's fine
[[1,1,1,1]], # horizontal line
[[1], [1], [1], [1]], # vertical line
[[1,1,1], [0,1,0]], # T
[[1,0], [1,1], [1,0]], # sideways T poking right
[[0,1,0], [1,1,1]], # upside down T
[[0,1], [1,1], [0,1]], # sideways T poking left
[[1,1], [1,1]], # square
# the logic go place a piece in the grid
def place_piece(grid, piece, x, y, hint = False):
# deep copy a new grid
new_grid = [row[:] for row in grid]
# for each row in the piece
for i in range(len(piece)):
# for each column in the piece
for j in range(len(piece[i])):
# if the piece is not empty
if piece[i][j] == 1:
# check if the grid is out of bounds
if x + j < 0 or x + j >= L or y + i < 0 or y + i >= L:
return False
# check if the grid at the position is empty
if grid[y+i][x+j] == 0:
# place the piece in the grid
to_put = 1 if not hint else str(PIECES.index(piece))
new_grid[y+i][x+j] = to_put
# if the grid is not empty, return False
return False
return new_grid
# visualize the grid using ASCII characters
def visualize_grid(grid):
for row in grid:
row_to_print = ''
for x in row:
# check if the location is either 0, or 1, or a string
if x == 0:
row_to_print += '.'
elif x == 1:
row_to_print += '#'
row_to_print += x
print (row_to_print)
# visualize the ground-truth program
def visualize_program(program):
grid = [[0 for x in range(L)] for y in range(L)]
for piece_id, x, y in program:
grid = place_piece(grid, PIECES[piece_id], x, y, hint = True)
# the execution of the program
# program is a list of tuples, where the tuple is (piece_id, x, y)
def exe(program, save_hint = False):
# create a grid
grid = [[0 for x in range(L)] for y in range(L)]
# for each piece, x, y in the program
for piece_id, x, y in program:
# place the piece in the grid
grid = place_piece(grid, PIECES[piece_id], x, y, hint = save_hint)
# if the grid is False, execution failed
if grid is False:
return False
# return the grid
return grid
# keep trying until we can place a piece
# gives up early if cannot place a piece
def place_a_piece(grid, num_tries=20):
if num_tries == 0:
return False
# randomly choose a piece to place
piece_id = random.randint(0, len(PIECES) - 1)
# randomly choose a location
x = random.randint(0, L - 1)
y = random.randint(0, L - 1)
# place the piece
new_grid = place_piece(grid, PIECES[piece_id], x, y)
if new_grid == False:
return place_a_piece(grid, num_tries=num_tries-1)
return (piece_id, x, y), new_grid
# generate some legal programs
def generate_program():
program = []
grid = [[0 for x in range(L)] for y in range(L)]
# randomly choose between 3 to 6 pieces
num_pieces = random.randint(3, 6)
# for each piece
for i in range(num_pieces):
result = place_a_piece(grid)
if result == False:
return generate_program()
# place a piece
(piece_id, x, y), grid = result
# add the piece to the program
program.append((piece_id, x, y))
return program
def gen_data_pair():
prog = generate_program()
# executing the program
grid = exe(prog, save_hint = False)
prog_str = repr(prog).replace(' ', '')
grid_str = repr(grid).replace(' ', '')
return grid_str, prog_str
if __name__ == '__main__':
prog = [(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 2), (2, 3, 1), (3,3,3)]
grid = exe(prog, save_hint = True)
# generating a random data point
grid_str, prog_str = gen_data_pair()
print (grid_str)
print (prog_str)
# visualize the grid
print ("grid interpreted")
grid = eval(grid_str)
# visualize the program
print ("program visualized onto grid")
# start counting time
import time
start = time.time()
for i in range(1000):
grid_str, prog_str = gen_data_pair()
# visualize_program(eval(prog_str))
# count time now
end = time.time()
print ("time:", end - start)
# 0.276077 seconds for 1000 data points, how long for a million? use code to find out
# 0.276077 seconds for 1000 data points, how long for a million? use code to find out
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