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# coding: utf-8 | |
require 'rubygems' | |
require 'hpricot' | |
require 'fileutils' | |
require 'safe_yaml' | |
require 'time' | |
module JekyllImport | |
# This importer takes a wordpress.xml file, which can be exported from your | |
# wordpress.com blog (/wp-admin/export.php). | |
module WordpressDotCom | |
def self.process(filename = {:source => "wordpress.xml"}) | |
import_count = Hash.new(0) | |
doc = Hpricot::XML(File.read(filename[:source])) | |
(doc/:channel/:item).each do |item| | |
title = item.at(:title).inner_text.strip | |
permalink_title = item.at('wp:post_name').inner_text.gsub("/","-") | |
# Fallback to "prettified" title if post_name is empty (can happen) | |
if permalink_title == "" | |
permalink_title = sluggify(title) | |
end | |
if item.at('wp:post_date') | |
begin | |
date = Time.parse(item.at('wp:post_date').inner_text) | |
rescue | |
date = Time.now | |
end | |
else | |
date = Time.now | |
end | |
status = item.at('wp:status').inner_text | |
if status == "publish" | |
published = true | |
else | |
published = false | |
end | |
type = item.at('wp:post_type').inner_text | |
categories = item.search('category[@domain="category"]').map{|c| c.inner_text}.reject{|c| c == 'Uncategorized'}.uniq | |
tags = item.search('category[@domain="post_tag"]').map{|t| t.inner_text}.uniq | |
metas = Hash.new | |
item.search("wp:postmeta").each do |meta| | |
key = meta.at('wp:meta_key').inner_text | |
value = meta.at('wp:meta_value').inner_text | |
metas[key] = value; | |
end | |
name = "#{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}-#{permalink_title}.html" | |
header = { | |
'layout' => type, | |
'title' => title, | |
'categories' => categories, | |
'tags' => tags, | |
'status' => status, | |
'type' => type, | |
'published' => published, | |
'meta' => metas | |
} | |
begin | |
FileUtils.mkdir_p "_#{type}s" | |
File.open("_#{type}s/#{name}", "w") do |f| | |
f.puts header.to_yaml | |
f.puts '---' | |
f.puts item.at('content:encoded').inner_text | |
end | |
rescue => e | |
puts "Couldn't import post!" | |
puts "Title: #{title}" | |
puts "Name/Slug: #{name}\n" | |
puts "Error: #{e.message}" | |
next | |
end | |
import_count[type] += 1 | |
end | |
import_count.each do |key, value| | |
puts "Imported #{value} #{key}s" | |
end | |
end | |
def self.sluggify(title) | |
title.gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]+/, '-').downcase | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
JekyllImport::WordpressDotCom.process |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
require 'html2markdown' | |
POST_REGEX = %r{(?<year>[0-9]+)-(?<month>[0-9]+)-(?<day>[0-9]+)-(?<title>.*).html} | |
files = Dir.glob('*.html').select{ |f| f.match POST_REGEX } | |
files.each do |post| | |
data = post.match(POST_REGEX) | |
p = HTMLPage.new(contents: File.read(post)) | |
File.open(post, 'w') { |f| f.puts p.markdown } | |
File.rename(post, "#{data[:year]}-#{data[:month]}-#{data[:day]}-#{data[:title]}.md") | |
end |
I made a fork of this which downloads images linked to in posts from one's Squarespace account, and updates your posts to link to the downloaded copy.
for newbies like me, how am I supposed to run those scripts? Thanks in advance!
I would love to use this, but as a noob I don't know how. Can someone give me a rundown as to how to use this? Thanks to anyone who helps.
to use this, create new files in the root of your jekyll directory with the names and contents from above.
This was my folder structure when I ran the import:
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── Squarespace-Wordpress-Export-05-09-2017_wordpress.xml
├── _attachments
├── _config.yml
├── _pages
├── _posts
├── _site
├── about.md
├── import.rb
├── index.md
└── rename.rb
copy and paste the contents of the two above files into their respective locations.
Then, in import.rb
, on line 29, change it to:
def self.process(filename = {:source => "<YOUR FILE HERE>"})
I'm no expert, but this might help some others who are trying to use this process.
Oh, and I used the fork created by @spiffytech to import images. It worked like a dream. (I hit a few broken image links, and just manually deleted them from the wordpress XML file, and re-ran the import.)
Finally, to run the whole thing, in your command line, just type ruby import.rb
Good luck!
Hi - great importer, thank you very much. One question: it does not seem to import multiple authors. Is there a way to change this?
Worked like a charm. Thank you.
Thank you! It helped a lot!
Thank you!