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Created November 16, 2011 23:26
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Generacion de Miniaturas usando Ruby e Image Magick
# Ruby, Generacion de minuaturas usando Image Magick
i = 0
full = "1200x900"
thumb = "320x240"
images = Dir.entries(".")
images.each do |file|
if file.match(/\.jpg$/i)
puts "[#{i}] Procesando #{file}..."
puts "Creando full ..."
system " convert \"#{file}\" -resize \"#{full}\" -quality 90 \"#{i}_full.jpg\" "
puts "Creando Miniatura ..."
system " convert \"#{file}\" -resize \"#{thumb}\" -quality 90 \"#{i}_thumb.jpg\" "
puts "Renombrando"
puts "=====Proceso finalizado, procesadas #{i} imagenes====="
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