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Last active September 5, 2022 09:00
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Haskell bubble sort with ST monad and STref
-- video
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.IntMap.Strict
import Data.STRef (newSTRef, readSTRef, writeSTRef, modifySTRef)
import Control.Monad
until_ :: Monad m => m a -> m Bool -> m ()
until_ a p = do
b <- p
if b then until_ a p else return ()
pa :: IO Bool
pa = readLn >>= (\l -> if l == "stop" then return False else return True)
bsort :: Ord a => [a] -> ST s [a]
bsort l = do
l_ <- mapM newSTRef l
let l__ = zip [0..] l_
let d = fromList l__
ref_last <- newSTRef $ length l - 2
ref_swaped <- newSTRef $ False
until_ (a ref_swaped ref_last d) (p ref_swaped ref_last)
mapM readSTRef (elems d)
a ref_swaped ref_last d = do
last <- readSTRef ref_last
writeSTRef ref_swaped False
forM_ [0..last] $ \i -> do
let e1r = findWithDefault (error "no index") i d
let e2r = findWithDefault (error "no index") (i+1) d
e1 <- readSTRef e1r
e2 <- readSTRef e2r
when (e1>e2) $ do_swap ref_swaped e1r e1 e2r e2
modifySTRef ref_last (flip (-) 1)
p ref_swaped ref_last= do
is_sw <- readSTRef ref_swaped
last <- readSTRef ref_last
if not is_sw || last == -1 then return False else return True
do_swap ref_swaped e1r e1 e2r e2 = do
writeSTRef e1r e2
writeSTRef e2r e1
writeSTRef ref_swaped True
-- f x = let y = 1 in y + x + g
-- where g = x + 1 + y
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