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Last active November 14, 2016 23:29
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so you want a job in tech...
Some ideas about how to break into tech, from someone who did this way a long time ago.
If your résumé will not get you an interview for a technical position today, but a job in tech is what you want,
I suggest you begin building a portfolio of work that you can put on your résumé under a catch-all title like
"Freelance Consultant." The specifics are going to depend on the kind of work you want to do, but here are some ideas:
1. Contribute to FOSS projects
This is a great way to get started. Find a FOSS project or three that is interesting to you, engage with the maintainers and
tell them you're looking to help out. I've never seen an FOSS project that doesn't need contributions on technical writing,
documentation, or bug triage. Hang out in their slack/IRC/mailing list/etc. Be open and receptive and practice saying "yes I
can do that, but I might need some help!"
2. Use free learning resources (web applications, js, html, etc) and (programming) are two good resources. I'm
sure with a bit of googling you can find lots more (I'm a bit rusty on tutorials for beginners). Build a portfolio of work
that you can point to. Good employers are going to look for aptitude and keenness, a strong desire to learn.
3. Start a blog/vlog/tumblr documenting your journey
Produce high-quality posts about the work you're doing. The goal of this is not necessarily to grow an audience, but to show
potential employers how well you can communicate complex technical ideas. The fact that you're *learning* these things at the
same time just means you'll alway shave something to talk about.
4. Find a mentor
Try to find a mentor (see above re: helping with FOSS projects!) who can help guide you, answer questions, and nudge you in
the right direction.
4. Treat it like work
You have put the time in, every day, to produce something, learn something, to gain a skill you didn't have before.
5. Apply *everywhere*
Look for entry-level positions everywhere you can. Take contracts, temp work, reception, whatever you can find. This is not so
much for the experience (which can be valuable, or not, depending), but for the networking. Meet people. Talk to them about
their work. Leverage their experience to help you with 1-4. Keep applying, and keep chipping away. Don't lose heart.
Good luck!
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