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Created May 12, 2013 02:02
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Fancy textfield
/* Fancy textfield */
.fancy-textfield {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
.fancy-textfield > .fancy-textfield-input, .fancy-textfield > .fancy-textfield-placeholder {
color: #fff;
font: 16px/120% Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
padding: 10px 0;
.fancy-textfield > .fancy-textfield-input {
background: transparent;
border: 0;
bottom: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
left: 0;
outline: 0;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 1;
.fancy-textfield > .fancy-textfield-placeholder {
.fancy-textfield > .fancy-textfield-placeholder small {
font-size: 14px;
margin-left: 5px;
opacity: 0.3;
.fancy-textfield > .fancy-textfield-input:focus + .fancy-textfield-placeholder {
visibility: hidden;
/* Master bar */
.master-bar {
background: #000;
box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
color: #fff;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
padding: 0 10px;
position: relative;
.master-bar:after {
clear: both;
content: '';
display: block;
.master-bar:before {
background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 50%, #000 50%),
linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 50%, #000 50%),
linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 50%),
linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 50%),
linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 50%),
linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 50%),
linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 50%),
linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 50%),
linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 50%),
linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 50%),
linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 50%),
linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 50%);
background-position: 0 0, 10px 0,
0 1px, 10px 1px,
0 2px, 10px 2px,
0 3px, 10px 3px,
0 4px, 10px 4px,
0 5px, 10px 5px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 10px;
content: '';
height: 45px;
margin-top: -1px;
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
width: 40px;
.master-bar > .master-title {
float: left;
position: relative;
/* Navbar */
.navbar {
background: #232323;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
padding: 0 10px;
text-align: center;
.navbar:after {
clear: both;
content: '';
display: block;
.navbar a {
color: #eee;
text-decoration: none;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #000;
.navbar a:hover {
color: #fff;
.navbar .brand {
display: inline;
font-size: 22px;
.navbar ul {
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.navbar ul li {
display: inline-block;
margin-left: 5px;
.navbar ul a {
display: block;
padding: 0 10px;
/* Nav list */
.navlist {
border: 1px solid #D4D4D4;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.3);
list-style: none;
margin: 10px 0;
padding: 0;
.navlist > li {
background: #fff;
border-top: 1px solid #D4D4D4;
font-size: 14px;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
padding: 0 10px;
.navlist > li:first-child {
border-top: 0;
.navlist > li > a {
background: #E2E2E2;
color: #2841A4;
display: block;
margin: 0 -10px;
padding: 0 10px;
text-decoration: none;
.navlist > li > a:hover {
background: #e6e6e6;
/* Draws */
.draws {
display: -webkit-flex;
.draws > .draw {
background: linear-gradient(#eee 30%, rgba(255,255,255,0)),
linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0), #eee 70%) 0 100%,
radial-gradient(farthest-side at 50% 0, rgba(0,0,0,0.3), rgba(0,0,0,0)),
radial-gradient(farthest-side at 50% 100%, rgba(0,0,0,0.3), rgba(0,0,0,0)) 0 100%;
background-color: #eee;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 40px, 100% 40px, 100% 20px, 100% 20px;
background-attachment: local, local, scroll, scroll;
box-shadow: 5px 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
box-sizing: border-box;
min-height: 99.9999%;
overflow: auto;
padding: 10px;
position: relative;
width: 340px;
z-index: 10;
.draws > .draw.fill {
-webkit-flex-grow: 1;
.draws > .draw:nth-child(2) {
z-index: 9;
.draws > .draw:nth-child(3) {
z-index: 8;
.draws > .draw:nth-child(4) {
z-index: 7;
.draws > .draw > .draw-fill {
margin-left: -10px;
margin-right: -10px;
.draws > .draw > .draw-fill:first-child {
margin-top: -10px;
.draws > .draw > .draw-fill:last-child {
margin-bottom: -10px;
/* Panels */
.panel {
background: #eee;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 20px auto;
min-height: 60px;
max-width: 600px;
padding: 10px;
/* List Group */
.listgroup {
border-bottom: 1px solid #D4D4D4;
list-style: none;
margin: 10px 0;
padding: 0;
.listgroup > li {
border-top: 1px solid #D4D4D4;
padding: 10px;
.listgroup > li:first-child {
border-top: 0;
.listgroup > li.title h2 {
color: #A0A0A0;
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;
.listgroup > li > :first-child {
margin-top: 0;
.listgroup > li > :last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
/* Button */
.button {
background-color: #79CF19;
background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0,0,0,0), rgba(0,0,0,0.3));
border: 0;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.3) inset, 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
box-sizing: border-box;
color: #000;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 12px;
height: 25px;
padding: 5px 10px;
text-decoration: none;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.3);
.button:hover {
background-color: #85E31B;
.button.primary {
background-color: #3892E3;
.button.primary:hover {
background-color: #48A3F4;
.button .caret {
border-color: #000 transparent;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 5px 5px 0 5px;
display: inline-block;
.button-group {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 0;
.button-group .button {
border-left: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
border-right: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
.button-group .button:first-child {
border-left: 0;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
.button-group .button:last-child {
border-right: 0;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
/* Portrait */
.portrait {
margin: 30px;
text-align: center;
.portrait img {
background: #9B9B9B;
border-radius: 50%;
box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;
max-width: 150px;
width: 100%;
/* Stats */
.stats {
background: #fff;
border: 1px solid #D4D4D4;
list-style: none;
margin: 10px 0;
padding: 0;
.stats:after {
content: '';
clear: both;
display: block;
.stats > .stat {
border-right: 1px solid #D4D4D4;
color: #9B9B9B;
float: left;
height: 30px;
padding: 10px;
.stats > .stat:last-child {
border-right: 0;
.stats > .stat > a {
color: #9B9B9B;
display: block;
margin: -9px;
padding: 10px;
text-decoration: none;
.stats > .stat > a:hover {
background: #efefef;
.stats > .stat strong {
color: #2841A4;
display: block;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
/* Menu */
.menu {
background: #fff;
border: 1px solid #D4D4D4;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 3px 0;
width: 180px;
.menu > li {
line-height: 30px;
padding: 0 10px;
.menu > li.divider {
border-top: 1px solid #D4D4D4;
margin: 0 5px;
padding: 0;
.menu > li > a {
display: block;
margin: 0 -10px;
padding: 0 10px;
text-decoration: none;
.menu.dropdown {
display: none;
position: absolute;
} {
display: block;
/* Author */
.author {
color: #2841A4;
display: block;
font-size: 14px;
padding: 5px 0;
text-decoration: none;
.author:after {
clear: both;
content: '';
display: block;
.author time {
color: #9B9B9B;
display: block;
font-size: 12px;
white-space: nowrap
.author img {
background: #999;
border-radius: 50%;
float: left;
height: 35px;
margin: -5px 5px -5px 0;
.author.following img {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px #79CF19;
/* Summary */
.summary {
font-size: 14px;
margin: 10px 0;
.summary > h1 {
font-size: 22px;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 1;
margin: 10px 0;
.summary > p {
color: #9B9B9B;
margin: 10px 0;
.summary > p > strong {
color: #000;
font-weight: normal;
.summary.brief {
font-size: 13px;
.summary.brief > h1 {
font-size: 15px;
margin: 5px 0;
.summary.brief > p {
margin: 5px 0;
.summary.brief > :first-child {
margin-top: 0;
.summary.brief > :last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
/* Event */
.event {
color: inherit;
display: block;
padding-left: 40px;
position: relative;
text-decoration: none;
.event.attending:after {
border-right: 30px solid #79CF19;
border-bottom: 30px solid transparent;
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
right: -10px;
top: -10px;
.event .author {
float: left;
margin-left: -40px;
margin-right: 5px;
.event .summary {
margin: 0;
/* Search results */
.search-results {
background: #000;
border-top: 1px solid #4A4A4A;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
color: #fff;
font-size: 14px;
padding: 0.01%;
.search-results > ol {
border-top: 1px solid #4A4A4A;
display: block;
list-style: none;
margin: 10px;
padding: 0;
.search-results > ol:first-child {
border-top: 0;
.search-results > ol > li {
diplay: block;
margin: 20px 10px;
padding: 0;
.search-results > ol > li > small {
font-size: 13px;
opacity: 0.3;
/* User action is any action the user does against their account. ie. Follow a person. */
.user-action {
float: right;
/* Layout */
.fill-container {
display: -webkit-flex;
width: 100%;
-webkit-flex-direction: column;
.fill-container > .fill {
-webkit-flex-grow: 1;
.fill-container.horizontal {
-webkit-flex-direction: row;
.viewer-layout {
height: 100%;
position: relative;
.viewer-layout > .viewer-header {
left: 0;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 1;
.viewer-layout > .viewer-main {
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 80px;
z-index: 0;
/* Misc */
.pull-left {
float: left;
.pull-right {
float: right;
.clearfix:after {
clear: both;
content: '';
display: block;
.box {
padding: 10px;
.hidden {
display: none;
/* Ignore */
body {
font: 12px/120% Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
margin: 0;
html, body {
height: 100%;
<div class="viewer-layout">
<header class="viewer-header">
<nav class="navbar">
<ul class="pull-left">
<li><button class="button primary">Submit</button></li>
<ul class="user-action">
<li><a href="#">Sign up</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sign in</a></li>
<a href="#" class="brand">App name</a>
<nav class="master-bar">
<form class="master-title fancy-textfield">
<input type="text" class="fancy-textfield-input">
<div class="fancy-textfield-placeholder">
<div class="user-action">
<button class="button">Follow</button>
<div class="search-results hidden">
<li>Search result <small>secondary information</small></li>
<li>Another result <small>with more information</small></li>
<li>Secondary results</li>
<div class="main viewer-main fill-container horizontal">
<div class="draws">
<div class="draw">
<figure class="portrait">
<img src="about:blank">
<ul class="stats draw-fill">
<li class="stat">
<a href="#"><strong>5</strong> something</a>
<li class="stat">
<a href="#"><strong>10</strong> something else</a>
<ul class="navlist">
<li><a href="#">Something</a></li>
<li>Another thing</li>
<li><a href="#">Something else</a></li>
<div class="draw">
<ul class="listgroup draw-fill">
<li class="title"><h2 class="title">Section heading</h2></li>
<a href="#" class="event brief attending">
<div class="author following"><img src="about:blank"></div>
<div class="summary brief">
<h1>Article title</h1>
<p>A brief scription</p>
<ul class="menu">
<li><a href="#">First item</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Second item</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a href="#">Third item</a></li>
<div class="fill">
<article class="panel">
<header class="clearfix">
<a href="#" class="author pull-left">
<img src="about:blank">
<time>5 days ago</time>
<div class="user-action button-group">
<a href="#" class="button">Attend</a>
<a href="#" class="button"><span class="caret"></span></a>
<div class="summary">
<p>Some <strong>important</strong> description</p>
<p>Followed by more information</p>
// alert('Hello world!');
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