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01:20 denplusplus@denplusplus-desktop:~/Temp/benchmark/nbody$ /usr/bin/g++ -march=native -c -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=sse -msse3 nbody.gpp-9.cpp -o nbody.gpp-9.c++.o && /usr/bin/g++ nbody.gpp-9.c++.o -o nbody.gpp-9.gpp_run && rm nbody.gpp-9.c++.o01:20 denplusplus@denplusplus-desktop:~/Temp/benchmark/nbody$ time ./nbody.gpp-9.gpp_run 50000000
real 0m5.807s
user 0m5.805s
sys 0m0.000s
01:20 denplusplus@denplusplus-desktop:~/Temp/benchmark/nbody$ rustc -C opt-level=3 -C target-cpu=core2 -C lto -C codegen-units=1 -C target-feature=+sse2 -o nbody.rust-7.rust_run
01:20 denplusplus@denplusplus-desktop:~/Temp/benchmark/nbody$ time ./nbody.rust-7.rust_run 50000000
real 0m15.126s
user 0m15.111s
sys 0m0.004s
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