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Created April 1, 2019 18:20
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Hydrogenation Reactor
package main
import (
func main() {
flowH2O := flag.Float64("H2O", 0, "initial flow of steam (mol/s)")
flowH2S := flag.Float64("H2S", 0.000736, "initial flow of hydrogen sulfide (mol/s)")
flowH2 := flag.Float64("H2", 2.455, "initial flow of hydrogen (mol/s)")
flowT := flag.Float64("Thiophene", 0.001105, "initial flow of thiophene (mol/s)")
flowCH4 := flag.Float64("CH4", 109.73, "initial flow of methane (mol/s)")
flowN2 := flag.Float64("N2", 0.7365, "initial flow of nitrogen (mol/s)")
flowC2H6 := flag.Float64("C2H6", 9.8196, "initial flow of ethane (mol/s)")
flowCO2 := flag.Float64("CO2", 2.4549, "initial flow of CO2 (mol/s)")
ρ := flag.Float64("density", 11.35, "gas density (kg/m^3)")
T := flag.Float64("T", 673.15, "initial reactor temperature (K)")
P := flag.Float64("P", 2450, "initial reactor pressure (kPa)")
ϕ := flag.Float64("voidage", 0.45, "bed voidage (ϕ)")
μ := flag.Float64("viscosity", 0.0000215, "gas viscosity (μ)")
Dp := flag.Float64("Dp", 0.0025, "particle diameter (m)")
ρb := flag.Float64("catalyst-density", 590, "catalyst-density (kg/m^3)")
plot := flag.Bool("plot", false, "stops plotting of graphs")
D := flag.Float64("d", 2.0197, "bed diameter (m)")
ρc := *ρb / (1.0 - *ϕ)
area := math.Pow(*D, 2) * math.Pi / 4
F0 := *flowH2 + *flowT + *flowH2S + *flowH2O + *flowC2H6 + *flowCH4 + *flowCO2 + *flowN2
W := 1500.0
ODEs := func(f la.Vector, h, x float64, y la.Vector) {
totalFlow := y[0] + y[1] + y[2] + y[3] + *flowC2H6 + *flowCH4 + *flowCO2 + *flowN2
flows := map[string]float64{
"H2O": y[0],
"H2": y[1],
"T": y[2],
"H2S": y[3],
"C2H6": *flowC2H6,
"CH4": *flowCH4,
"CO2": *flowCO2,
"N2": *flowN2,
partials := map[string]float64{}
for compound, flow := range flows {
partials[compound] = flow / totalFlow * y[5]
G := (48.11*flows["T"] + 34.1*flows["H2S"] + 2.016*flows["H2"] + 18.015*flows["H2O"] + 16.04*flows["CH4"] + 28.013*flows["N2"] + 30.07*flows["C2H6"] + 44.01*flows["CO2"]) / 1000 / area
beta := β(*ϕ, G, *Dp, *μ, *ρ)
alpha := α(beta, area, ρc, *ϕ, *P)
f[0] = dFH2OdW(y[4], partials)
f[1] = dFH2dW(y[4], partials)
f[2] = dFTdW(y[4], partials)
f[3] = dFH2SdW(y[4], partials)
f[4] = dTdW(y[4], flows, partials)
f[5] = dPdW(alpha, y[5], *P, y[4], *T, totalFlow, F0)
config := ode.NewConfig("radau5", "", nil)
config.SetStepOut(true, nil)
parameters := []float64{*flowH2O,
*T, *P}
solver := ode.NewSolver(len(parameters), config, ODEs, nil, nil)
defer solver.Free()
solver.Solve(la.NewVectorSlice(parameters), 0, W)
wValues := solver.Out.GetStepX()
yValues := solver.Out.GetStepYtableT()
conversion := 1 - yValues[2][len(wValues)-1]/yValues[2][0]
pressureDrop := *P - yValues[5][len(wValues)-1]
fmt.Printf("conversion: %.2f; pressure drop (kPa): %.4f; outlet temperature %2f (K)\n", conversion, pressureDrop, yValues[4][len(wValues)-1])
flows := []float64{parameters[0],
fmt.Printf("flows (mol/s); H2O: %.2f; H2: %.2f; T: %.2f; H2S: %.2f; total catalyst: %.2f kg\n", flows[0], flows[1], flows[2], flows[3], W)
var conversions []float64
for _, v := range yValues[2] {
conversions = append(conversions, 1-v/yValues[2][0])
if !*plot {
plt.Subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.Plot(wValues, conversions, nil)
plt.SetLabels("Catalyst (kg)", "Thiophene Conversion", nil)
plt.Subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.Plot(wValues, yValues[5], nil)
plt.SetLabels("Catalyst (kg)", "Presssure (kPa)", nil)
plt.Subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.Plot(wValues, yValues[4], nil)
plt.SetLabels("Catalyst (kg)", "T (K)", nil)
package main
import (
func dFH2OdW(T float64, partials map[string]float64) float64 {
return reaction(T, partials)
func dFTdW(T float64, partials map[string]float64) float64 {
return -reaction(T, partials)
func dFH2SdW(T float64, partials map[string]float64) float64 {
return reaction(T, partials)
func dFH2dW(T float64, partials map[string]float64) float64 {
return -reaction(T, partials)
func dTdW(T float64, flows, partials map[string]float64) float64 {
var denominator float64
for compound, flow := range flows {
denominator += thermo.SpecificHeat(compound, T) * flow
heats := reaction(T, partials) * reactionEnthalpy(T)
return -heats * 1000 / denominator
func dPdW(alpha, P, P0, T, T0, F, F0 float64) float64 {
return -alpha / 2 * P0 / (P / P0) * (T / T0) * (F / F0)
func α(beta, area, ρc, ϕ, P0 float64) float64 {
return 2 * beta / (area * ρc * (1 - ϕ) * P0 * 1000)
func β(ϕ, G, Dp, μ, ρg float64) float64 {
return (G * (1 - ϕ) / (ρg * Dp * math.Pow(ϕ, 3))) * (1.75*G + 150*(1-ϕ)*μ/Dp)
package main
import (
. ""
const R = 8.314
func reactionEnthalpy(T float64) float64 {
return Enthalpy("H2O", T) + Enthalpy("H2S", T) - Enthalpy("H2", T) - 120
func k(T float64) float64 {
return 1500 * math.Exp(-52000/R/T)
func KTH(T float64) float64 {
return 8.42 / 100 * math.Exp(189/R/T)
func KH2(T float64) float64 {
return 52210 / 100 * math.Exp(930/R/T)
func KH2S(T float64) float64 {
return 19.64 / 100 * math.Exp(878/R/T)
func reaction(T float64, partials map[string]float64) float64 {
return k(T) / 60 * KTH(T) * KH2(T) * partials["T"] * partials["H2"] / math.Pow(1+math.Sqrt(KH2(T))*math.Sqrt(partials["H2"]), 2) / (1 + KTH(T)*partials["T"] + KH2S(T)*partials["H2S"]/KH2(T)/partials["H2"])
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