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Install dlib and face_recognition on a Raspberry Pi

Instructions tested with a Raspberry Pi 2 with an 8GB memory card. Probably also works fine on a Raspberry Pi 3.


Download the latest Raspbian Jessie Light image. Earlier versions of Raspbian won't work.

Write it to a memory card using Etcher, put the memory card in the RPi and boot it up.

jculverwell / Twitter Bootstrap_multi_select_dropdown.html
Created October 24, 2012 02:14
Twitter Bootstrap multi select dropdown
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
joshkurz / app.js
Created August 9, 2012 03:21
var demoApp = angular.module('demoApp', ['ngResource'], function($locationProvider) {
function MainCtrl($scope, Serv) {
$scope.selectedItem = {
value: 0,
label: ''
$scope.Wrapper = Serv;
mixonic / server.js
Created April 28, 2011 22:49
Node.js + + Bash. A collaborative terminal for your browser.
// This server will start a bash shell and expose it
// over to a browser. See ./term.html for the
// client side.
// You should probably:
// npm install
// curl -O