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Created February 28, 2020 01:00
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NimScript to rebuild JS on save and report errors in the browser.
import strformat, strutils
const main = "dlghelper.nim" # file to watch
const mainHtml = "index.html" # source web page
const outputHtml = "debug.html" # receive the contents of source web page, only if nothing went wrong.
proc sleep(seconds: float) =
exec("sleep {seconds}".fmt)
proc lastModified(file: string): float =
gorge("stat --format=\"%.6Y\" {file}".fmt).strip().parseFloat()
proc errorPage(content: string): string =
<style>body {{ margin: 20px auto; color: #ddd; background: #234 }}</style>
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;">{content}</pre>
var modTime: float
while true:
let t = lastModified(main)
if t > modTime:
writeFile(outputHtml, errorPage("BUILDING..."))
modTime = t
let (output, exitCode) = gorgeEx("nim js " & main)
if exitCode == 0:
writeFile(outputHtml, readFile(mainHtml))
writeFile(outputHtml, errorPage(output))
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