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Created September 20, 2021 16:18
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AWS Services Key Points
AWS Backup AWS Backup is a centralised backup service that makes it easy and cost-effective for you to backup your application data across AWS services in the AWS Cloud, helping you meet your business and regulatory backup compliance requirements.You should use AWS Backup to manage and monitor backups across the AWS services you use, from a single place.Services supported:EBS (it leverages EBS Snapshots)RDS (it supports RDS Aurora Automated Backups and RDS Snapshots)EFS (transition to cold storage is supported for this service)DynamoDBFSxStorage Gateway.You pay for the amount of backup storage you use and the amount of backup data you restore in the month. [*]
AWS Data Lifecycle Manager DLM provides a simple way to manage the lifecycle of EBS resources, such as volume snapshots.You should use DLM when you want to automate the creation, retention, and deletion of EBS snapshots.It is simple to implement. Once set up, it can be monitored easily through CloudWatch.Pricing is moderate – it depends on your data storage behaviour and retention rules. [*]
S3 Storage Lifecycle Only works on S3.Lifecycle rules are used to manage your objects so that they are stored cost effectively throughout their lifecycle.The assumption is that data which is infrequently accessed can be moved to cheaper storage class.S3 provides different storage tiers. Each tier addresses different use cases and provides different cost alternatives.It is very simple to implement. It can be monitored using CloudWatchPricing is most adequate and can be further optimised if you take advantage of the different storage tiers. [*]
RDS Automated Backups This is a built-in backup mechanism supported by RDS.You can configure the retention from 1 to 35 days. For retention that goes beyond that you can use RDS Snapshots.Automated backups are continuous and incremental so you can quickly restore to any point within the backup retention period – this is called point-in-time recovery.The latest restorable time for a DB cluster is the most recent point at which you can restore your DB cluster, typically within 5 minutes of the current time.Pricing depends on backup retention period. [*]
RDS Snapshots This is a built-in backup mechanism supported by RDS.You can run it manually or you can create your own implementation to define when to trigger it and what retention policy to enforce (e.g. via AWS Lambda).They are useful to retain a backup beyond the backup retention period.Aurora MySQL also support backtracking which allows to undo certain destructive actions but it is not a replacement for backups.Pricing depends on retention and on how much data changes between snapshots. [*]
RDS Aurora Export to and Restore from S3 You can use this feature to export automated backups or manual snapshots to S3.The export is created from an snapshot: either one created by automated backups or manual snapshots.This needs to be triggered on-demand through the console or the CLI (API) which means that, in order to automate it, a custom implementation needs to be developed.You can quickly restore a cluster from a snapshots that were exported to S3.The data is stored in Parquet format so you can leverage services such as Athena to perform further analysis.You pay for the entire amount of data in the snapshot. If encryption is in-place, KMS charges might apply. You also pay for S3, that is both storage and operations. [*]
EBS Snapshots This is the default backup mechanism supported by EBS.You can run it manually or you can create your own implementation to define when to trigger it and what retention policy to enforce (e.g. via AWS Lambda).You can automate it by means of AWS DLM or AWS Backups.You pay for amount of snapshot storage you use, although remember that snapshots are incremental which should reduce the final price. [*]
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