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Last active July 8, 2022 12:45
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Linux mint / ubuntu resolvd switcher bash script
# When using Linux mint/ubuntu Pritunl VPN client and can't resolve endpoints, a solution is to kill resolvd.
# As the whole process is a couple of steps this script will solve it for your.
# It is called with --stop to kill resolvd or with --start to resume the previous state.
# Check if running as root
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Must be running as root"
delete_resolvconf() {
rm /etc/resolv.conf
echo "Removed /etc/resolv.conf"
restart_networkmanager() {
systemctl restart NetworkManager
echo "Restarted NerworkManager"
stop_resolvd() {
systemctl disable --quiet systemd-resolved
systemctl stop systemd-resolved
echo "Stopped resolved"
# Set DNS as default
sed -i "/$DNS_SETTING/s/^#*//" $NET_MGR_CONF
echo "Set DNS as default"
start_resolvd() {
# Unset DNS
sed -i "/$DNS_SETTING/s/^#*/#/" $NET_MGR_CONF
echo "Unset DNS"
systemctl enable --quiet systemd-resolved
systemctl start systemd-resolved
echo "Started resolved"
STATUS="$(systemctl is-active systemd-resolved)"
set -e
case "$1" in
[[ "$STATUS" == "active" ]] && stop_resolvd || echo "Resolvd not running"
[[ "$STATUS" == "inactive" ]] && start_resolvd || echo "Resolvd already running"
echo "Usage: (--stop|--start)"
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