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Created June 23, 2014 16:34
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manhattan plot from GWASTools package
manhattanPlot <- function(p,
ylim = NULL,
trunc.lines = TRUE,
signif = 5e-8,
stopifnot(length(p) == length(chromosome))
logp <- -log(p,10)
N <- length(logp)
ymax <- log(N,10) + 4
if (is.null(ylim)) {
ylim <- c(0,ymax)
} else {
ymax <- ylim[2]
chrom.labels <- unique(chromosome) <- as.numeric(factor(chromosome, levels=chrom.labels))
chromstart <- which(c(1,diff( == 1) # element numbers for the first SNP on each chromosome
chromend <- c(chromstart[-1],N) # element numbers for the last SNP on each chromosome
x <- (1:N) +*(chromend[1]/6) # uniform spacing for SNP positions with offset
# colors from colorbrewer Dark2 map, 8 levels
chrom.col <- factor(
levels(chrom.col) <- rep_len(c("#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3", "#E7298A", "#66A61E", "#E6AB02", "#A6761D", "#666666"), length(levels(chrom.col)))
chrom.col <- as.character(chrom.col)
trunc <- FALSE
if (trunc.lines & any(logp > ymax, na.rm=TRUE)) trunc <- TRUE
y <- pmin(ymax,logp)
plot(x, y, cex=0.3+y/ymax, col=chrom.col, pch=ifelse(y==ymax,24,19),, xlab="Chromosome", ylab=quote(-log[10](p)),
xaxt="n", ..., ylim=ylim)
if (trunc) lines(c(min(x), max(x)), c(ymax,ymax), col = 'grey')
centers <- (x[chromstart]+x[chromend]-(chromend[1]/6))/2
centers[length(chrom.labels)] <- x[N] # puts the last tick at the position of last snp
axis(1, at=centers, labels=chrom.labels, las=2)
# add a line for genome-wide significance
if (!is.null(signif)) {
abline(h=-log10(signif), lty=2, col="gray")
a <- runif(1000000)
b <- sort(sample(1:22, 1000000, rep=T))
manhattanPlot(a, sort(b))
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