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Created August 29, 2011 16:20
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# Reproduces Fig. 2 in Moharam, Grann, Pommet, and Gaylord, "Formulation for stable and
# efficient implementation of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis of binary gratings",
# J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 12(5), pp. 1068–1076, 1995 (doi:10.1364/JOSAA.12.001068)
import rodis
from math import pi
import numpy
import pylab
def moharam(theta_rad,phi_rad,psi_rad,wavelength,ambient,pitch,fillfactor,thicknesses,substrate,norders):
# rodis data
rodis.set_lambda(wavelength) # wavelength
rodis.set_N(norders) # orders of diffraction
rodis.set_alpha(theta_rad) # angle of incidence
rodis.set_delta(phi_rad) # 0 for planar diffraction
rodis.set_psi(psi_rad) # polarization angle
solutions = []
width = fillfactor*pitch
for d in thicknesses:
binary = rodis.Slab( ambient(0.5*width) + substrate(width) + ambient(0.5*width) )
incident = rodis.Slab( ambient(pitch) )
transmission = rodis.Slab( substrate(pitch) )
grating = rodis.Stack( incident(1.) + binary(d) + transmission(1.) )
return solutions
def plot(depths,wavelength,multiplier,TEsolutions,TMsolutions,conicalsolutions):
pylab.plot(depths/wavelength, TEsolutions, 'b.-', \
depths/wavelength, TMsolutions, 'r.-', \
depths/wavelength, conicalsolutions, 'k.-', \
pylab.xlabel('Normalized groove depth $d/\lambda$')
pylab.ylabel('Diffraction efficiency $DE_1$')
pylab.legend(('TE', 'TM', 'conical $(\\phi = 30^\circ, \psi = 45^\circ)$'))
if multiplier == 1:
pylab.title("First-order transmitted diffraction efficiency\n" + \
"$n_I = 1$, $n_{II} = 2.04$, $\\theta = 10^\circ$, $\\Lambda = \lambda_0$")
pylab.savefig("moharam1995_lambda_" + str(int(depths[-1]/wavelength)) + "lambda.png")
pylab.savefig("moharam1995_lambda_" + str(int(depths[-1]/wavelength)) + "lambda.svg")
pylab.title("First-order transmitted diffraction efficiency\n" + \
"$n_I = 1$, $n_{II} = 2.04$, $\\theta = 10^\circ$, $\\Lambda =$ " + \
str(multiplier) + "$\lambda_0$")
pylab.savefig("moharam1995_"+str(multiplier)+"lambda_" + str(int(depths[-1])) + "lambda.png")
pylab.savefig("moharam1995_"+str(multiplier)+"lambda_" + str(int(depths[-1])) + "lambda.svg")
def main():
wavelength = 1.55
norders = 15
theta = 10.*pi/180 # angle of incidence
phi = 30.*pi/180 # 0 for planar diffraction
psi = 45.*pi/180 # polarization angle
ambient = rodis.Material(1.0)
substrate = rodis.Material(2.04)
multiplier = 1
pitch = multiplier*wavelength
fill = 0.5
depths = numpy.linspace(0.,5.,100)*wavelength
# depths = numpy.linspace(45.,50.,100)*wavelength
# TE (psi = pi/2)
print "TE"
TEsolutions = moharam(theta,0.,pi/2,wavelength,ambient,pitch,fill,depths,substrate,norders)
# TM (psi = 0)
print "TM"
TMsolutions = moharam(theta,0.,0.,wavelength,ambient,pitch,fill,depths,substrate,norders)
# Conical
print "Conical: \t phi = %.1f \t psi = %.1f" % (phi*180/pi,psi*180/pi)
conicalsolutions = moharam(theta,phi,psi,wavelength,ambient,pitch,fill,depths,substrate,norders)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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