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Last active July 27, 2024 19:01
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Chunked compression/decompression of descript audio codec
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Encodes or decodes an audio file with the descript audio codec.
Compared to the included "python3 -m dac encode" and "python3 -m dac decode"
of descript-audio-codec 1.0.0, this implementation differs in the following:
- chunked encoding produces the same codes as unchunked encoding,
except at the beginning and end of the file
- encoded files are in .npz format, so the codes can be accessed as a memory
map and do not need to be unpickled
- the codes are stored in C order with the time dimension first and the
channels last, so accessing a temporal excerpt is efficient
- by default, decoding does not restore the original sample rate, but supports
so via --resample
For usage information, call with --help.
Author: Jan Schlüter
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
import numpy as np
import torch
import tqdm
from dac.utils import load_model
from audiotools import AudioSignal
def opts_parser():
usage =\
"""Encodes or decodes an audio file with the descript audio codec.
parser = ArgumentParser(description=usage)
type=str, choices=('encode', 'decode', 'test'),
help='The action to perform.')
help='A sound file for encoding, or dac file for decoding, or a '
'directory of such files.')
help='A dac file for encoding, or a sound file for decoding, or a '
'directory of such files.')
'-d', '--device',
type=str, default='auto',
help='Device to use: cpu, cuda[:n], auto (default: %(default)s)')
'-w', '--win_duration',
type=float, default=5,
help='Chunk duration in seconds (default: %(default)s)')
'-t', '--model_tag',
type=str, default='latest',
help='Model tag to use (default: %(default)s)')
'-s', '--model_sr',
type=str, default='44khz',
help='Sample rate of model to use (default: %(default)s)')
'-b', '--model_bitrate',
type=str, default='8kbps',
choices=('8kbps', '16kbps'),
help='Bitrate of model to use (default: %(default)s)')
'-r', '--resample',
help='If given, restores original sample rate and size on decoding.')
return parser
def load_audio(infile, sample_rate=None, normalize_db=-16):
Reads the given audio file into an AudioSignal, optionally resampled
and normalized. Returns the audio signal and a metadata dictionary
containing its original sample count ('original_length'), its original
sample rate ('sample_rate'), its original loudness ('input_db').
If normalize_db is None, then 'input_db' is omitted.
audio = AudioSignal(infile)
metadata = dict(original_length=audio.shape[-1],
if sample_rate is not None:
if normalize_db is not None:
metadata['input_db'] = audio.loudness().cpu().numpy()
batchsize, channels, time = audio.shape
audio.audio_data = audio.audio_data.view(batchsize * channels, 1, time)
return audio, metadata
def receptive_field(model):
Computes the size, stride and padding of the given model's receptive
field under the assumption that all its Conv1d and TransposeConv1d
layers are applied in sequence.
total_size, total_stride, total_padding = 1, 1, 0
for layer in model.modules():
if isinstance(layer, (torch.nn.Conv1d, torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d)):
layer_size = layer.dilation[0] * (layer.kernel_size[0] - 1) + 1
if isinstance(layer, torch.nn.Conv1d):
# update size
total_size += (layer_size - 1) * total_stride
# update padding
total_padding += layer.padding[0] * total_stride
# update stride
total_stride *= layer.stride[0]
elif isinstance(layer, torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d):
# update stride
total_stride /= layer.stride[0]
# update padding
total_padding += (layer_size - layer.padding[0]) * total_stride
# update size
total_size += (layer_size - 1) * total_stride
return total_size, total_stride, total_padding
def compress(model, device, audio, win_duration, n_quantizers=None):
"""Encodes the given audio signal, returns the codes."""
# right-pad to the next multiple of hop length
# (as the model's internal padding is short by one hop length)
remainder = audio.shape[-1] % model.hop_length
right_pad = model.hop_length - remainder if remainder else 0
if not win_duration:
model.padding = True
if right_pad:
audio.zero_pad(0, right_pad)
samples =
codes = model.encode(samples, n_quantizers)[1]
codes = codes.permute(2, 1, 0).short() # -> time, quantizers, channels
# determine receptive field of encoder
model.padding = True
field_size, stride, padding = receptive_field(model.encoder)
model.padding = False
# determine the window size to use
# - the maximum samples the user wants to read at once
win_size = int(win_duration * model.sample_rate)
# - how many code frames we would get from this
num_codes = (win_size - field_size + stride) // stride
# - how many samples are actually involved in that
win_size = field_size + (num_codes - 1) * stride
# determine the hop size to use
hop_size = num_codes * stride
# finally process the input
codes = []
audio_size = audio.audio_data.size(-1)
for start_position in tqdm.trange(-padding,
audio_size + padding + right_pad,
# extract chunk
chunk = audio[..., max(0, start_position):start_position + win_size]
# zero-pad the first chunk(s)
if start_position < 0:
chunk.zero_pad(-start_position, 0)
chunk_size = chunk.audio_data.size(-1)
# skip the last chunk if it would not have yielded any output
if chunk_size + padding + right_pad < field_size:
# pad the last chunk(s) to the full window size if needed
if chunk_size < win_size:
chunk.zero_pad(0, win_size - chunk_size)
# process chunk
samples =
c = model.encode(samples, n_quantizers)[1].cpu()
c = c.permute(2, 1, 0) # -> time, quantizers, channels
# remove excess frames from padding if needed
if chunk_size + padding + right_pad < win_size:
chunk_codes = (chunk_size + padding + right_pad - field_size + stride) // stride
c = c[:chunk_codes]
codes =, dim=0)
return codes.contiguous()
def save_dac(outfile, codes, **metadata):
Writes the given codes to the given output file, with optional metadata.
with open(outfile, 'wb') as f: # to allow a custom file extension
np.savez(f, codes=codes, metadata=np.asarray(metadata, dtype='O'))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Path(outfile).unlink() # avoid half-written files
def encode(model, device, infile, outfile, win_duration, n_quantizers=None,
"""Encodes the given audio file, writes codes to the given output file."""
audio, metadata = load_audio(infile, model.sample_rate, normalize_db)
codes = compress(model, device, audio, win_duration, n_quantizers)
save_dac(outfile, codes, **metadata)
def load_dac(infile):
"""Reads codes and metadata from the given DAC file."""
with np.load(infile, allow_pickle=True) as f:
return torch.as_tensor(f['codes']), f['metadata'].item()
def decompress(model, device, codes, win_duration):
"""Decodes the given codes, returns the audio signal."""
if not win_duration:
model.padding = True
codes = codes.permute(2, 1, 0).to(device).int()
latents = model.quantizer.from_codes(codes)[0]
samples = model.decode(latents)
raise NotImplementedError("Chunked decoding not implemented")
audio = AudioSignal(samples, sample_rate=model.sample_rate)
return audio
def save_audio(outfile, audio):
"""Writes the given audio signal to the given output file."""
channels, _, time = audio.shape
audio.audio_data = audio.audio_data.view(1, channels, time)
def decode(model, device, infile, outfile, win_duration, resample=False):
"""Decodes the given DAC file, writes audio to the given output file."""
codes, metadata = load_dac(infile)
audio = decompress(model, device, codes, win_duration)
if metadata.get('input_db', None) is not None:
if resample:
if audio.sample_rate == metadata['sample_rate']:
audio = audio[..., :metadata['original_length']]
save_audio(outfile, audio)
def recursively(func, out_ext, model, device, indir, outdir, *args):
Apply encode() or decode() over a directory, using out_ext as the
output file extension.
outdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for inpath in tqdm.tqdm(list(indir.rglob("*"))):
outpath = outdir / inpath.relative_to(indir)
if inpath.is_dir():
outpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
outpath = outpath.with_suffix(out_ext)
except FileExistsError:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
func(model, device, inpath, outpath, *args)
except Exception as e:
print("Skipping %r: %r" % (inpath, e))
def main():
# parse command line
parser = opts_parser()
options = parser.parse_args()
# pick device
if options.device == 'auto':
options.device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
device = torch.device(options.device)
# load model
model = load_model(options.model_sr, options.model_bitrate,
#print("Receptive fields (size, stride, padding):")
#print("encoder:", receptive_field(model.encoder))
#print("decoder:", receptive_field(model.decoder))
#print("total:", receptive_field(model))
# distinguish actions
if options.command in ('encode', 'decode'):
infile = Path(options.infile)
outfile = Path(options.outfile)
args = (model, device, infile, outfile, options.win_duration)
if options.command == 'encode':
if infile.is_dir():
recursively(encode, '.dac', *args)
elif options.command == 'decode':
args = args + (options.resample,)
if infile.is_dir():
recursively(decode, '.wav', *args)
elif options.command == 'test':
audio, _ = load_audio(options.infile)
print("computing unchunked encoding...")
codes1 = compress(model, device, audio, win_duration=0)
print("computing chunked encoding...")
codes2 = compress(model, device, audio, win_duration=1.0)
print("encoding is agnostic:", np.allclose(codes1, codes2))
print("encoding is agnostic ignoring the first/last 6 frames:",
np.allclose(codes1[6:-6], codes2[6:-6]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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