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Created May 25, 2019 17:09
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Complex django dockerfile
version: '3.6'
image: gdml/backend-built-with-previous-dockerfile
volumes: &volumes
- ./src:/srv
command: ["dockerize", "-wait", "tcp://postgres:5432", "-timeout", "300s", "./", "runserver", ""]
FROM gdml/django-base:1.0.8 as base
ADD . /srv/
RUN ./ compilemessages
HEALTHCHECK CMD wget -q -O /dev/null http://localhost:8000/healthchecks/####/ --header "Host:" || exit 1
CMD uwsgi --http :8000 --module app.wsgi --workers 2 --threads 2 --harakiri 40 --max-requests 500 --buffer-size 65545
FROM base as celery
ENV QUEUE=default
HEALTHCHECK CMD celery -A app inspect ping -d $QUEUE@$HOSTNAME
CMD celery -A app worker -Q $QUEUE -c ${CONCURENCY:-2} -n "${QUEUE}@%h" --max-tasks-per-child ${MAX_REQUESTS_PER_CHILD:-50} --time-limit ${TIME_LIMIT:-900} --soft-time-limit ${SOFT_TIME_LIMIT:-45}
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