- install dnsmasq
$ brew install dnsmasq
$ cp /usr/local/opt/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf.example /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
- edit
/** | |
* General-purpose NodeJS CLI/API wrapping the Stable-Diffusion python scripts. | |
* | |
* Note that this uses an older fork of stable-diffusion | |
* with the 'txt2img.py' script, and that script was modified to | |
* support the --outfile command. | |
*/ | |
var { spawn, exec } = require("child_process"); | |
var path = require("path"); |
function jrnl(){ | |
mkdir -p "$HOME/.journal/" | |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then | |
local esc=$(printf '\033') | |
local prev=$([[ `date +"%u"` == "1" ]] && echo `date -v-3d +%F` || echo `date -v-1d +%F`) | |
if [ -f "$HOME/.journal/`date +"%F"`.txt" ]; then | |
echo "${esc}[36mToday" | |
/bin/cat "$HOME/.journal/`date +"%F"`.txt" 2>/dev/null | sed "s/\([0-9:]*\)\(\.*\)/${esc}[35m\1${esc}[39m \2/" | |
fi | |
if [ -f "$HOME/.journal/$prev.txt" ]; then |
"use strict"; | |
[foo,bar] = TNG(foo,bar); | |
// NOTE: intentionally not TNG(..) wrapping useBaz(), so that it's | |
// basically like a "custom hook" that can be called only from other | |
// TNG-wrapped functions | |
function foo(origX,origY) { | |
var [x,setX] = useState(origX); | |
var [y,setY] = useState(origY); |
function *main() { | |
const confirmRequest = { | |
type: 'confirm', | |
value: 'Are you sure?', | |
}; | |
const confirmResponse = yield confirmRequest; | |
if (confirmResponse === true) { | |
const consoleRequest = { | |
type: 'console', |
$ brew install dnsmasq
$ cp /usr/local/opt/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf.example /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
// Based on http://adit.io/posts/2013-06-10-three-useful-monads.html | |
import map from 'ramda/src/map' | |
import compose from 'ramda/src/compose' | |
import curry from 'ramda/src/curry' | |
import multiply from 'ramda/src/multiply' | |
const chain = curry((fn, m) => m.chain(fn)) | |
const read = m => m.read() |
// https://github.com/deebloo/rxjs-worker | |
var observable = Observable.of([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); | |
observable | |
.map(function (data) { | |
return data.concat([5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); | |
}) | |
.workerMap(function (data) { | |
return data.concat([10,11,12,13,14]);; | |
}) |
// Unfortunatelly it stopped working in F# 4.1 after this PR https://github.com/Microsoft/visualfsharp/pull/1650 | |
// Will ask to revert it | |
type FoldArgs<'t> = FoldArgs of ('t -> 't -> 't) | |
let inline foldArgs f (x:'t) (y:'t) :'rest = (FoldArgs f $ Unchecked.defaultof<'rest>) x y | |
type FoldArgs<'t> with | |
static member inline ($) (FoldArgs f, _:'t-> 'rest) = fun (a:'t) -> f a >> foldArgs f | |
static member ($) (FoldArgs f, _:'t ) = f |
require('babel-core/register'); | |
var babel = require('babel-core'); | |
var gulp = require('gulp'); | |
var speckjs = require('speckjs'); | |
var tape = require('tape'); | |
var through = require('through2'); | |
function requireFromBuffer(buffer) { | |
var m = new module.constructor(); | |
m.paths = module.paths; |
dependencies: | |
pre: | |
- source /etc/lsb-release && echo "deb http://download.rethinkdb.com/apt $DISTRIB_CODENAME main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rethinkdb.list | |
- wget -qO- http://download.rethinkdb.com/apt/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add - | |
- sudo apt-get update | |
- sudo apt-get install rethinkdb=1.16.3~0precise | |
- sudo cp /etc/rethinkdb/default.conf.sample /etc/rethinkdb/instances.d/instance1.conf | |
- sudo /etc/init.d/rethinkdb restart |