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Last active December 8, 2023 21:03
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from tabulate import tabulate
def get_fargate_spot_cost(region, vcpu_cost=None, gb_cost=None):
If vcpu_cost and vcpu_cost are 'None', the current value is retrived from AWS
import requests
endpoint = ""
if vcpu_cost is not None and gb_cost is not None:
return vcpu_cost, gb_cost
data = requests.get(endpoint).json()
prices = data.get("prices", [])
cost_vcpu = cost_gb = None
for price in prices:
attributes = price.get("attributes", {})
if attributes.get("aws:region") == region:
unit, price_value = price.get("unit"), price.get("price", {}).get("USD")
cost_vcpu = price_value if unit == "vCPU-Hours" else cost_vcpu
cost_gb = price_value if unit == "GB-Hours" else cost_gb
return cost_vcpu, cost_gb
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error retrieving Fargate Spot prices: {str(e)}")
return None, None
region = "us-east-1"
total_executions = 9322 # Monthly executions
average_execution_duration_minutes = 5 # Average execution duration in minutes
# Set static values (remove the static values if you want the current value)
fargate_spot_vcpu_cost_per_hour, fargate_spot_ram_cost_per_hour = get_fargate_spot_cost(region, 0.014577, 0.00160066)
data_transfer_gb_per_month = 100
# Costs
github_actions_cost_per_minute = 0.008
semaphoreci_cost_per_minute = 0.0075
igw_internet_facing_cost_per_gb = 0.09
# Used resources
github_actions_vcpu = 2
github_actions_ram = 7
semaphoreci_vcpu = 2
semaphoreci_ram = 4
fargate_spot_vcpu = 2
fargate_spot_ram = 7
# Calculations for GitHub Actions and SemaphoreCI
github_actions_monthly_cost = github_actions_cost_per_minute * total_executions * average_execution_duration_minutes
semaphoreci_monthly_cost = semaphoreci_cost_per_minute * total_executions * average_execution_duration_minutes
# Calculations for Fargate Spot
fargate_spot_monthly_cost = (fargate_spot_vcpu_cost_per_hour * fargate_spot_vcpu + fargate_spot_ram_cost_per_hour * fargate_spot_ram) * total_executions * average_execution_duration_minutes / 60 # Convert from minutes to hours
fargate_spot_monthly_cost = fargate_spot_monthly_cost + (data_transfer_gb_per_month * igw_internet_facing_cost_per_gb)
# Resources used by instance
github_actions_resources = f"{github_actions_vcpu} vCPU, {github_actions_ram} GB RAM"
semaphoreci_resources = f"{semaphoreci_vcpu} vCPU, {semaphoreci_ram} GB RAM"
fargate_spot_resources = f"{fargate_spot_vcpu} vCPU, {fargate_spot_ram} GB RAM"
table = [
["Platform", "Monthly Cost", "Nro. of Executions", "Total Time per Execution", "Resources Used"],
["GitHub Actions (Standard)", f"${github_actions_monthly_cost:.2f} USD", total_executions, f"{average_execution_duration_minutes} min", github_actions_resources],
["SemaphoreCI (e1-standard-2)", f"${semaphoreci_monthly_cost:.2f} USD", total_executions, f"{average_execution_duration_minutes} min", semaphoreci_resources],
["Fargate Spot (Custom)", f"${fargate_spot_monthly_cost:.2f} USD", total_executions, f"{average_execution_duration_minutes} min", fargate_spot_resources],
print(tabulate(table, headers="firstrow", tablefmt="github"))
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