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Last active December 15, 2015 18:39
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# Recipe for play-2.1.1
require 'formula'
class Play < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
md5 '1ec0b736f9836f760b3c135154fd9a4b'
version '2.1.1'
def install
rm Dir['*.bat'] # remove windows' bat files
libexec.install Dir['*']
inreplace libexec+"play" do |s|
s.gsub! "$dir/", "$dir/../libexec/"
s.gsub! "dir=`dirname $PRG`", "dir=`dirname $0` && dir=$dir/`dirname $PRG`"
bin.install_symlink libexec+'play'
# to install the latest stable version:
brew install play
# to install play-2.1.1:
brew install
# to switch versions (from
brew switch play 2.1.0
brew switch play 2.1.1
# to see which scala you're currently using:
brew which play
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