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Created October 25, 2018 08:39
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# Fabian Frei
# PURPOSE: This program calculates the remainder of the product of a
# set of integer data items (long values).
# VARIABLES: The registers have the following uses:
# %rcx - Holds the index of the data item being examined, changed from %rdx
# %rbx - current data item
# %rax - product of current multiplication in loop
# %rdi - for the exit code of our program
# The following memory locations are used:
# data_items - contains the item data. A 0 at the end data_items is used
# to terminate the data. Only positive values are allowed.
.section .data
data_items: # These are the data items
.quad 2,4,3,7,3,4,0
#.quad 0 # for testing of zero length data items
.section .text
.globl _start
movq $0, %rcx # move 0 into the index register
movq data_items(,%rcx,8), %rax # load the first byte of data to %rax for multiplication
cmpq $0, %rax # check %rax if first value is zero
je early_loop_exit # if null we exit early and never enter the loop
start_loop: # start loop
incq %rcx # increment data items counter
movq data_items(,%rcx,8), %rbx # move next data item into rbx
cmpq $0, %rbx # check to see if we've hit the end
je loop_exit # if yes we go to regular loop exit
imulq %rbx # multiply current item with %rax and save it to %rax
jmp start_loop # jump to loop beginning
#movq $128, %r8 # move 128 into %r8 for division.
idiv $128 # divide %rax by 128, stores quotient in %rax, remainder in %rdx
movq %rdx, %rdi # move remainder from %rdx into %rdi as exit code
movq $60, %rax # 60 is the exit() syscall
movq $1, %rdi # move 1 as exit code into %rdi
movq $60, %rax # 60 is the exit() syscall
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