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Created March 9, 2019 17:42
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supervisor code
def process({:get_thumbs, folder_path, json_path}) do
# lets start a supervisor here
Task.Supervisor.start_link(name: CLI.Supervisor, strategy: :one_for_one, max_timeout: 35)
download_thumbs(json_object, 1, folder_fn)
# download_thumbs unpacks a list of links inside of json object
# and calls donwload_thumbs_files with it
def download_thumbs_files(links, result, path) do
# I know I should have used Task.Supervisor.async_nolink
# but I could not get it to work. So i used stream and Enum.into as a kind of await
Task.Supervisor.async_stream_nolink(CLI.Supervisor, four, fn url ->
file_name = String.split(url, ")")
|> Enum.reverse
|> hd
file_name = Path.join path, file_name "Downloading #{url} into #{file_name}"
case HTTPoison.get(url, [], [recv_timeout: 20000]) do
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}} ->
case File.write(file_name, body) do
:ok -> "finished writing to #{file_name}"
{:error, reason} -> Logger.error "Could not write #{file_name}: #{reason}"
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 404}} ->
Logger.error "404: Not found #{url}"
{:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} ->
Logger.error "Downloading #{url} failed: #{reason}"
end, [timeout: 21000])
|> Enum.into([])
# recursive call
download_thumbs_files(rest, result, path)
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