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Display Warning Message and Disable Submit Button in Ninja Forms When Emails Match. This script checks if two email fields in a Ninja Forms form have matching values. If they do, it displays a warning message and disables the submit button, enhancing form validation. Ideal for WordPress users working with Ninja Forms who need to prevent identica…
* Ninja Forms - Compare Two Field Email Address and Display Error
* @author Faisal Ahammad
* Form ID: replace the #nf-form-1-cont form ID with your desire form ID
* Email 1 class: add student_email or different class to the field "Email field setting → Display → Element"
* Email 2 class: add agent_email or different class to the field "Email field setting → Display → Element"
* Warning Message class: add warning_message or different class to the "HTML field setting → Display → Container"
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
const formInterval = setInterval(function () {
const studentEmail = document.querySelector("#nf-form-1-cont input.student_email");
const agentEmail = document.querySelector("#nf-form-1-cont input.agent_email");
const warningMessage = document.querySelector("#nf-form-1-cont .warning_message");
const submitButton = document.querySelector("#nf-form-1-cont .submit-wrap");
if (studentEmail && agentEmail && warningMessage && submitButton) {
// Initially hide the warning message and enable the submit button = "none";
submitButton.disabled = false;
// Function to check if the email fields match
function checkEmails() {
if (studentEmail.value === agentEmail.value && studentEmail.value !== "" && agentEmail.value !== "") {
// Show the warning message and disable the submit button if the emails match = "block";
submitButton.disabled = true;
} else {
// Hide the warning message and enable the submit button if the emails don't match = "none";
submitButton.disabled = false;
studentEmail.addEventListener("input", checkEmails);
agentEmail.addEventListener("input", checkEmails);
}, 100);
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