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Enable WooCommerce users to log in using either their phone number or email address. This code snippet overrides the default WooCommerce login logic, allowing for flexible login options and improving the user experience on the account login page.
* Woocommerce Add Phone Number To Login Account
* @author Faisal Ahammad
// Enable login with phone number or email
add_filter( 'authenticate', 'login_with_phone_or_email', 20, 3 );
* @param $user
* @param $username
* @param $password
* @return mixed
function login_with_phone_or_email( $user, $username, $password )
if ( empty( $username ) ) {
return $user;
if ( is_email( $username ) ) {
$user = get_user_by( 'email', $username );
} else {
$user_query = new WP_User_Query( array(
'meta_key' => 'billing_phone',
'meta_value' => $username,
'number' => 1,
) );
$users = $user_query->get_results();
if ( !empty( $users ) ) {
$user = $users[ 0 ];
if ( $user && wp_check_password( $password, $user->user_pass, $user->ID ) ) {
return $user;
return null;
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