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get google related images URL ( ... ) based on an image URL
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// notes: | |
// this function should be used from within the background script of a webextension | |
// also included are two examples at the bottom to demonstrate its use | |
async function getImageResultsURLFromImageURL(URL) { | |
// input: string | |
// the input is the URL of the image you want to search for | |
// it can either start with "http" or "data:" (for base64 encoded images) | |
// output: string | |
// the output is the URL of the image results (regular, not google lens) | |
// the output URL starts with "" | |
const lens = async (URL) => { | |
// find the normal image results URL within the HTML of the Google Lens results | |
const response = await fetch(URL, { | |
"body": null, | |
"method": "GET", | |
"mode": "cors", | |
}) | |
let body = await response.text() | |
let index = body.indexOf(``) | |
if (index === -1) { | |
throw new Error("tbs prefix url not found") | |
} | |
body = body.substring(index, body.length) | |
index = body.indexOf(`"`) | |
if (index === -1) { | |
throw new Error("quotation marks not found") | |
} | |
body = body.substring(0,index) | |
body = body.replace(`\\u003d`, "=") | |
if (!body.startsWith("https")) { | |
throw new Error(`body does not start with https, body length is ${body.length}`) | |
} | |
return body | |
} | |
const get = async (URL) => { | |
// find the Google Lens results URL from an HTTP/HTTPS image URL | |
const encodedURL = encodeURIComponent(URL) | |
const crawlRequestURL = `${encodedURL}&hl=en&re=df&st=${+ new Date()}&ep=gisbubu` | |
const response = await fetch(crawlRequestURL, { | |
"body": null, | |
"method": "GET", | |
"mode": "cors", | |
}) | |
return response.url | |
} | |
const post = async (URL) => { | |
// find the Google Lens results URL from a base64 image URL | |
const blob = await (await fetch(URL)).blob() | |
const formData = new FormData() | |
formData.append("encoded_image", blob, `${+ new Date()}.png`) | |
let response = await fetch(`${+ new Date()}&ep=gisbubb`, { | |
"body": formData, | |
"method": "POST", | |
"mode": "cors" | |
}) | |
let text = await response.text() | |
if (text.indexOf("refresh") === -1) { | |
throw new Error("no base64 meta refresh found") | |
return null | |
} | |
let index = text.indexOf('') | |
text = text.slice(index) | |
index = text.indexOf('"') | |
if (index === -1) { | |
index = text.indexOf("'") | |
if (index === -1) { | |
throw new Error("quotation marks not found") | |
return null | |
} | |
} | |
text = text.slice(0,index) | |
if (!text.startsWith("http")) { | |
throw new Error("url did not start with http") | |
return null | |
} | |
return text | |
} | |
try { | |
// if no valid URL provided, return null | |
if (!URL || URL.length === 0 || typeof URL !== "string") { | |
return null | |
} | |
let redirect = null | |
if (URL.startsWith("data:")) { | |
// get the Google Lens URL based on a base64 image URL | |
redirect = await post(URL) | |
} | |
else { | |
// get the Google Lens URL based on an HTTP/HTTPS image URL | |
redirect = await get(URL) | |
} | |
// return the normal image results URL | |
return await lens(redirect) | |
} | |
catch(e) { | |
console.error(e) | |
if (!URL.startsWith("data:")) { | |
// as a fallback, return the Google Lens results URL | |
const encodedURL = URL.replaceAll("?", '%3F').replaceAll("&", '%26') | |
return `${encodedURL}` | |
} | |
else { | |
// return null if a base64 image was provided and wasn't able to resolve | |
return null | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
// examples: | |
// get the normal image results URL from an HTTPS image URL | |
(async function() { | |
const imageURL = "" | |
const results = await getImageResultsURLFromImageURL(imageURL) | |
console.log(results) // | |
})(); | |
// get the normal image results URL from a base64 image URL | |
(async function() { | |
const imageURL = "" | |
const results = await getImageResultsURLFromImageURL(imageURL) | |
console.log(results) // | |
})(); |
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