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Last active October 27, 2018 02:40
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<div class = "card bg-warning mb-3">
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<img src = "" style = "width:30%" class = "card-img-top" alt="">
<h5 class="card-title">Daftar Kode POS Semarang</h5>
<p class = "card-text">Berikut adalah semua kode pos yang ada di Kab. Semarang dan Kota Semarang</p>
<p>Kurang lebih datanya ada {{kodepos.length}}</p>
<a href = "#" v-on:click = "tampil = !tampil" v-show ="tampil" class ="btn btn-primary">Tampilkan</a>
<div v-show="!tampil">
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<button class = "btn btn-primary btn-sm" v-show = "awal>0" v-on:click = "prev()"> Balek Wae </button>
<div class = "col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 col-4">
<span>Halaman : {{halaman}}</span>
<div class = "col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 col-4">
<button class = "btn btn-primary btn-sm" v-show="akhir <= kodepos.length" v-on:click = "next()" >Lanjoot</button>
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<input type ="text" v-model = "search" class ="form-control" placeholder ="Pencarian berdasarkan Kecamatan">
<div v-show ="!tampil" class="table-responsive container">
<table id="example" class="table table-hover table-bordered">
<th>Kode POS</th>
<tr v-for="pos in cari.slice(awal, akhir)">
<td style = "width:40%">{{pos.kecamatan}}</td>
<td style = "width:40%">{{pos.kelurahan}}</td>
<td style = "width:40%">{{pos.kodepos}}</td>
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