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Created October 24, 2021 17:32
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board file for MAGIC3
# This file is part of Espruino, a JavaScript interpreter for Microcontrollers
# Copyright (C) 2013 Gordon Williams <[email protected]>
import pinutils;
info = {
'name' : "Magic 3",
'link' : [ "" ],
'espruino_page_link' : 'Magic3',
'default_console' : "EV_BLUETOOTH",
'variables' : 14000-300, # How many variables are allocated for Espruino to use. RAM will be overflowed if this number is too high and code won't compile.
'bootloader' : 1,
'binary_name' : 'espruino_%v_magic3.hex',
'build' : {
'optimizeflags' : '-Os',
'libraries' : [
# 'NET',
# 'NFC',
'makefile' : [
# 'DEFINES += -DCONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET', # Allow the reset pin to work
# 'LDFLAGS += -D__STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS -D__START=main -nostartfiles',
'DEFINES += -DNRF_SDH_BLE_GATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE=131', #59 77 131 104
'LDFLAGS += -Xlinker --defsym=LD_APP_RAM_BASE=0x2ec0',#2bf0 0x3058#37f8 0x3720
'LDFLAGS += -Xlinker --defsym=LD_NOINIT_SIZE=0x1290',#2bf0 0x3058#37f8 0x3720
'DFU_SETTINGS=--application-version 0xff --hw-version 52 --sd-req 0xa9,0xae,0xb6', #S140 6.0.0
'ESPR_BLUETOOTH_ANCS=1', # Enable ANCS (Apple notifications) support
# 'BLACKLIST=boards/MAGIC3.blocklist', # force some stuff to be removed to save space
'DEFINES += -DFDS_VIRTUAL_PAGES=2', #should match fstorage_pages below
save_code_pages = 144; #96;
fstorage_pages = 2; # typically 2, 10 reduces risk of brick on first flash from stock FW
chip = {
'part' : "NRF52840",
'family' : "NRF52",
'package' : "QFN48",
'ram' : 256,
'flash' : 1024,
'speed' : 64,
'usart' : 0, #2
'spi' : 1, #3
'i2c' : 1, #2
'adc' : 1,
'dac' : 0,
'saved_code' : {
'address' : ((0xf8 - fstorage_pages - save_code_pages) * 4096), # Bootloader at 0xF8000
'page_size' : 4096,
'pages' : save_code_pages,
'flash_available' : 1024 - ((0x26 + (0x100-0xf8) + fstorage_pages + save_code_pages)*4) # Softdevice uses 38 pages of flash (0x26000/0x100), bootloader 0x100-0xe0=0x20, FS 2, code 96. Each page is 4 kb.
# 'address' : 0x60000000, # put this in external spiflash (see below)
# 'page_size' : 4096,
# 'pages' : 2048, # Entire 8MB of external flash
# 'flash_available' : 1024 - ((0x26 + (0x100-0xf8) + fstorage_pages)*4) # Softdevice uses 31 pages of flash, bootloader 8, FS 2, code 10. Each page is 4 kb.
devices = {
'BTN1' : { 'pin' : 'D26', 'pinstate' : 'IN_PULLDOWN' },
'pin_cs' : 'D17',
'pin_sck' : 'D19',
'pin_mosi' : 'D20',
'pin_miso' : 'D21',
'pin_wp' : 'D22',
# 'pin_hold' : 'D23',
'pin_rst' : 'D23', # no reset but this is HOLD pin, we want it set to 1 like RST
'size' : 8192*1024, # 4MB
'memmap_base' : 0x60000000,
# left-right, or top-bottom order
board = {
'left' : [ 'VDD', 'VDD', 'RESET', 'VDD','5V','GND','GND','','','D3','D4','D28','D29','D30','D31'],
'right' : [
'D27', 'D26', 'D2', 'GND', 'D25','D24','D23', 'D22','D20','D19','',
'_notes' : {
'D6' : "Serial console RX",
'D8' : "Serial console TX"
board["_css"] = """
#board {
width: 528px;
height: 800px;
top: 0px;
left : 200px;
background-image: url(img/NRF528DK.jpg);
#boardcontainer {
height: 900px;
#left {
top: 219px;
right: 466px;
#right {
top: 150px;
left: 466px;
.leftpin { height: 17px; }
.rightpin { height: 17px; }
def get_pins():
pins = pinutils.generate_pins(0,47) # 48 General Purpose I/O Pins.
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD0", True)["functions"]["XL1"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD1", True)["functions"]["XL2"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD9", True)["functions"]["NFC1"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD10", True)["functions"]["NFC2"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD2", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN0"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD3", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN1"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD4", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN2"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD5", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN3"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD28", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN4"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD29", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN5"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD30", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN6"]=0;
pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD31", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN7"]=0;
# everything is non-5v tolerant
for pin in pins:
#The boot/reset button will function as a reset button in normal operation. Pin reset on PD21 needs to be enabled on the nRF52832 device for this to work.
return pins
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