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Last active February 22, 2025 19:29
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To generate ssh key pair whose public key BASE64 encoding matches a certain substring
# This script offers a fun way to generate an SSH key whose public key's BASE64
# encoding would end in a certain substring you specify. The script simply
# keeps trying until to find one. Because the probability distribution is
# geometric, so in practice, it is not "that bad" if you just want to match to
# last two characters.
# Ensure script is run from ~/.ssh
if [[ "$(pwd)" != "$HOME/.ssh" ]]; then
echo "Error: This script must be run from ~/.ssh"
exit 1
# Check if username and machine name are both provided
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <user-name> <machine-name>"
exit 1
USERNAME="$1" # Can be anything, no need to match the actual username
HOSTNAME="$2" # Can be anything, no need to match the actual hostname
TARGET="IU" # Ending substring that you try to match in the public key
echo "Generating ed25519 keys until the public key ends in '$TARGET'..."
MAX_TRIALS=20000 # Upper limit to prevent infinite loop; adjust accordingly
while [ $COUNT -lt $MAX_TRIALS ]; do
# Progress bar
if (( COUNT % 10 == 0 )); then
printf "\rAttempts: %d" "$COUNT"
# Remove any current keys of the same names
rm -f ${USERNAME}-${HOSTNAME}-ed25519*
# Create SSH key candidate quietly
ssh-keygen -q -t ed25519 -C "${USERNAME}@${HOSTNAME}" -f "${USERNAME}-${HOSTNAME}-ed25519" -N ""
# Extract last two characters of the base64 public key
BASE64_KEY=$(awk '{print $2}' "${USERNAME}-${HOSTNAME}")
LAST_TWO=$(echo -n "$BASE64_KEY" | tail -c 2)
if [[ "$LAST_TWO" == "$TARGET" ]]; then
echo ""
echo "Success! Found a matching key after $COUNT attempts."
exit 0
echo ""
echo "Failed to generate a key with '$TARGET' in $MAX_TRIALS attempts."
echo "Just try again. Thanks."
exit 1
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