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Last active July 7, 2024 18:15
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Save farach/ac3484464dd3a3d3fbc4e56573e28283 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Load necessary libraries
# Setup parallel processing
# Define the URL for the tasks data
tasks_url <- ""
tasks_statement <- ""
# Download and preprocess tasks data
tasks <- read_tsv(tasks_url) %>%
clean_names() %>%
filter(scale_id == "IM") |>
read_tsv(tasks_statement) %>%
clean_names() %>%
select(o_net_soc_code, task_id, task)
# Combine and aggregate datasets
onet_combined <- tasks %>%
select(o_net_soc_code, task_id, task, task_importance = data_value) %>%
filter(o_net_soc_code == "19-2012.00") # For testing, remove to do all tasks
# Define the prompt generator function with few-shot CoT examples
prompt_generator <- function(task) {
task_info <- glue("Tasks: {paste(task, collapse = '; ')}")
examples <- glue(
"Example 1:\n",
"Task Information: Given a set of routine tasks such as data entry and simple report generation, which are highly repetitive and well-defined.\n",
"Classification: E1\n",
"Explanation: These tasks are highly routine and procedural, making them suitable for automation using a large language model. The LLM can effectively reduce the time to complete these tasks by at least 50% while maintaining quality.\n\n",
"Example 2:\n",
"Task Information: Given a set of complex analytical tasks that require extensive domain knowledge and critical thinking.\n",
"Classification: E2\n",
"Explanation: While the LLM can assist with parts of these tasks, additional specialized software is required to handle the complexity and domain-specific requirements. The LLM alone cannot achieve a 50% reduction in time without compromising quality.\n\n",
"Example 3:\n",
"Task Information: Given a set of creative tasks such as content generation and brainstorming new ideas.\n",
"Classification: E1\n",
"Explanation: The LLM can significantly aid in generating new content and ideas, reducing the time required for these tasks by at least 50% while maintaining or enhancing quality."
"Given the following task information: {task_info},\n",
"Can a state-of-the-art large language model reduce the time to complete tasks associated with these skills and knowledge by at least 50% while maintaining quality?\n",
"Classify as: E0 for no exposure, E1 for direct exposure by LLM alone, or E2 for exposure with additional software. Provide a brief explanation.\n\n",
"Task Information: {task_info}\n",
# Generate prompts for classification
onet_combined <- onet_combined %>%
mutate(prompt_task = map_chr(task, prompt_generator))
# Set OpenAI API key
openai_api_key <- keyring::key_get("OPENAI_API_KEY", username = "YOUR_USERNAME")
# Define a function to interact with OpenAI API with bootstrap sampling
openai_classifier_bootstrap <- function(text, api_key, n_times = 5) {
url <- ""
classifications <- character(n_times)
explanations <- character(n_times)
for (i in seq_len(n_times)) {
data <- list(
model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
prompt = text,
temperature = 0.7,
max_tokens = 150,
top_p = 0.9,
frequency_penalty = 0.0,
presence_penalty = 0.0
json_body <- toJSON(data, auto_unbox = TRUE)
response <- POST(
Authorization = paste("Bearer", api_key),
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
body = json_body,
encode = "json"
if (status_code(response) == 200) {
response_content <- content(response, as = "parsed", type = "application/json")
response_text <- response_content$choices[[1]]$text
# Extract the classification and explanation from the response_text
classification <- str_extract(response_text, "E[012]")
explanation <- str_extract(response_text, "(?<=Explanation: ).*")
classifications[i] <- classification
explanations[i] <- explanation
} else {
warning(paste("Error in API request:", status_code(response)))
classifications[i] <- NA
explanations[i] <- NA
# Determine the most frequent classification
mode_classification <- names(sort(table(classifications), decreasing = TRUE))[1]
# Filter out NA explanations before sampling
relevant_explanations <- explanations[classifications == mode_classification & !]
chosen_explanation <- sample(relevant_explanations, 1)
list(classification = mode_classification, explanation = chosen_explanation)
# Apply the classification function to each task using parallel processing
results <- future_map(onet_combined$prompt_task, ~ openai_classifier_bootstrap(.x, openai_api_key))
# Process the results
onet_combined <- onet_combined %>%
classification = map_chr(results, "classification"),
explanation = map_chr(results, "explanation"),
exposure_level = classification
# Print out the combined dataframe with the new classification column
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